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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

What`s the biggest risk - Everest vs. BigMac

See killer statistics! To give an indication of the risk climbing high mountains, the website ExplorersWeb has analyzed statistic, and compared it with other statistic from other things as smoking, eating junk food and doing nothing, and traffic accidents.
2004-06-05 Read more

Cecilie Skog is the second female in Norwegian climbing history to reach the summit of Everest

She reached the summit of Everest on 23 May. Norwegian females has really great guts. This is an new Norwegian historical event in few days.
2004-05-23 Read more

Randi Skaug is the first female in Norwegian climbing history to reach the summit of Everest

She reached the summit of Everest on 20 May. Skaug is the first Norwegian female to reach the top of Everest. Of course the women can do it too! And in few days we expect another Norwegian female to reach the top too.
2004-05-22 Read more

New Everest speed record made by the Sherpa Pemba Dorji

The newly record is 8 hours 10 minutes. Pemba Dorji ascended Mt Everest in an incredible speed and reached the top on 21 May (2004). How did he manage so fast?
2004-05-22 Read more

Expedition “DEEP MED ONE” search for Atlantis

Atlantis is one of humankind's greatest mysteries. Once and for all scientists have plans for discover the truth about the Atlantis legend. In the history it's the first time a scientifically credible explanation of its location and demise has been suggested by French scientist Professor Jacques Collina-Girard. The expedition will start in the summer this year (2004).
2004-05-07 Read more

New astonishing scientific results from the lost city of Heracleion - Egypt

On the site of the sunken city of Heracleion, discovered in May 2001 by French underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio, the most recent archaeological excavations performed around the temple of Heracles brought to light scientific results of great historic interest.
2004-04-14 Read more

Dramatic story from Antarctic - what kind of attitude to you need to have to survive?

Tina Sjogren: "At first, it didn't feel too bad. Bewildered, I tried to grasp what had happened. But then my boots filled up, and my clothes. The water sneaked into my every pore and the cold clutched my skin like jaws of ice. I tried to ..........."
2004-04-14 Read more

Alexandria’s new National Museum in Egypt is newly opened - Part 1 of 2!

This is a worthwhile visit to an underwater world! Incredible finds from the research excavations of the underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio are finally displayed.
2004-04-04 Read more

Norwegian women on their way to the Mount Everest summit!

Two Norwegian women compete to be the first Norwegian woman on top of the world's highest mountain: Randi Skaug and Cecilie Skog. There are now on their way to the foot of Mount Everest.
2004-04-01 Read more

Nazca in Peru - People from past emerge as ghosts at Chauchilla Cemetery!

Scattered over a vast area several hundreds of graves can be found, most of which have been opened by ancient times' grave robbers, leaving the approximately 2000 year old bones and corpses fully exposed. Some of the bodies from an lost ancient people in Peru are well preserved, and they looked like ghosts trying to return to our world.
2004-04-21 Read more

Theories about the mysterious Hessdalen light phenomena - UFO - Norway!

Several theories have been made, but unexplained residual remains. After so many years with serious research work without any ultimate conclusion, we in Travel Explorations really wonder: would we ever find the truth about it? Maybe there is no explanation at all?
2004-03-27 Read more

The UFO-investigation in Hessdalen (Norway) goes on – see videofilms about the worlds greatest UFO-mystery!

From one of the latest observations (13.11.2003): "Per was inside his house when he heard a sound outside. He saw no car or tractor outside. The sound was more like a snowmobile, but there is no snow in Hessdalen now. While he was looking out, he suddenly saw a small shiny light, moving fast from the north towards the south......."
2004-03-27 Read more

Ray Yeritsian will make an attemp to ascend Mt. Everest solo and without supplemental oxygen!

Ray Yeritsian, an Armenian born Californian, will be attempting the "1924 Norton line" with variations on Everest this spring. The climb will be unsupported, solo, and without supplemental oxygen. He will also be attempting the summit of Cho Oyu in early April (2004).
2004-03-25 Read more

The world sailor, Jan Moller, tells about his biggest challenges

"I had to endure a fierce storm with way too much sail on - quick sailing but in no way safe... " (Jan Moller). Some of his big challenges were:
- Damages on boat
- Collision with whale
- Electric fire
- The ultimate storm
2004-03-22 Read more

New records for Arctic expeditions

Never before have arctic expeditions been more popular, and people do it in its most creative way. The polar action goes on! Some expeditions are for scientific purposes, others for personal challenge, fun and competitions. Here we bring an overview over some of the expeditions.
2004-03-21 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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