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Partner Programme

Travel Explorations - TE`s Marketing Partner Programme for tour operators and other travel companies!

To add value for our associated tour operators, we in Travel Explorations (TE) introduced 11 January 2005 a marketing programme called TE`s Marketing Partner Programme. This programme has been developed and designed to address those partners that meet specific criteria. As the travel market is becoming increasingly globalized, the marketing factor "visibility" is of growing importance, especially from the strategic perspective. Therefore we in Travel Explorations has continuously given high priority to build a strong brand, but also publish breaking news, exciting articles and promote partners travel offers. The aim is to join forces with long term thinking partners to attract clients and grow our business together!
TE`s Marketing Partner Programme is one of several new initiatives in accordance to Travel Explorations` promotional strategy. Its intention is to deliver greater marketing benefits to selected tour operators, socalled strategic partners for us. This programme gives our associated partners access to special services and useful marketing information. It's designed to assist them in increasing their sales and make them more profitable.

Through our programme selected partners will be given a more targeted marketing assistance for their marketing and sales activities! The more investment our partners make in their relationship with us, the more return they will get. The Programme reflects our philosophy how to engage and build relationships with our partners.

In a tough market, the methods and quality of marketing activities can make or break a sale opportunity. Therefore we focus on how we do our marketing more efficient rather than more extensive. By working smart in a close relationship with our partners, we think that we together can achieve competitive advantages within a low budget.

TE`s brand profile
Travel Explorations is presented world-wide through eight principal travel-related themes:

1. Destinations: ancient sites, unique and unspoilt places 5. Mysteries                         
2. Exotic tribes 6. Extreme sport
3. Wildlife and nature 7. Explorers and adventurers
4. Expeditions and discoveries 8. Trends and advise

We in Explorations continuously develop and maintain our brand on the Internet and in general.

Our brand building is based on six main elements (values):

1. Inspiring 4. Enjoyable
2. Pioneering 5. Exciting
3. Interesting 6. Useful

We believe that through our activites in the Programme, together with our partners, we have the opportunity to further develop Travel Explorations to be an even more attractive sales- and marketing channel for potential customers world wide. In cases there Travel Explorations has something in common with our partners, or there our partners have something in common, we would also like to continue our work with unifying and structuring the way to conduct joined professional marketing efforts, for example in profiling, sale, presentations (in several languages) and linking on our websites and media, advertising, campaigns, brochures etc. 

Partner cooperation synergy
The travel industry`s main arena is today the Internet. Martin Lindström and Tim Frank Andersen wrote in their book "Brand building on the Internet" in 2000: "Studies show that 80 percent of all companies with representation on the Internet are there because their competitors are also there".

Much has changed since then. We believe that if we join our resourcers with our other travel companies, we can all make our presence on the Internet more profitable by choosing an offensive strategy. The level of noise has increase considerably, but together we will be stronger and more visible.

What the Travel Explorations` Marketing Partner Programme delivers
Our Programme provides real benefits to selected partners, backing their image and credibility so their customers can be convinced about the quality of their tours, products and services.

Travel Explorations is committed to follow these principles for partnership relations:
1. Co-ordinate marketing and sales activities to increase the effectiveness of advertising and campaigns
2. Provide services and tools to create marketing plans, advertises and targeted campaigns
3. Promise exclusivity for our partners (no direct competitors to our partners can join the Programme without acceptance from our partners)
4. Publish newsrelated articles that includes presentation of our partners with contact details (when it's suitable)
5. Give assistance for creating new business opportunities
6. Promote new products and service
7. Provide different kind of information that will help to stay ahead of the competition
8. Distribution of monthly newsletter with updated market information, business advise, ideas, marketing suggestions, offers and invitations

Several consultant services and other activities within the Programme could be charged based on signed agreements, but be sure: assistance to our partners will be given priority.

Marketing Partner Programme qualifying criteria
In return for the benefits of membership in our marketing programme, partners are expected to demonstrate commitment to the following criteria:

1. Match our brand profile - focus on unique travel adventures
2. Strong passion and commitment for their business and travelling
3. Offer and prove themselves outstanding in arranging challenging tours - consisting elements of unique adventures (courage, determination and performance), pioneering, explorations and discoveries
4. Taking necessary safety precautions: documentation of guidance, rules and approved equipment
5. Language skills
6. Local knowledge about relevant areas
7. Sufficient financial resources to grow their business - need to be able to exploits its full business potential and participate in common marketing efforts
8. Purchase of full marketing package from TE
9. Provide self profiling information to TE
10. Act as newsagents for us - give us ideas and information about interesting things to cover (as they can take advantage of themself)
11. Provide information and photos from their tours and destinations to TE
12. Should be associated to regional or national official tourist organisations og international travel organisations for credibility reasons

Contact details
If you would like to know more about the TE` Marketing Partner Programme and the advantages you could achieve by joining this programme, please contact on stein@travelexplorations.com.

Travel Explorations
Stein Morten Lund

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