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Moss Norway Travel Guide. The Moss region in Norway is for genuine adventurers. It has a beautiful countryside, the ydillic peninsula of Jeløya, wooden hills and dense pristine forests. Moss offers an abundance of trails and paths, but most exciting is venture out on the off beaten tracks. Discover the Viking heritage and other historical sites.

Norwegian Beatles tribute band, Det Betales

Det Betales The Beatles show at Verket Scene, Moss, Norway

In the their show All You Need is Love on Friday 14th June 2024, the Norwegian Beatles tribute band, Det Betales, took the audience back to The Summer of Love, and the era of The Beatles' greatest hits. Sing along, dancing and funny stories.


Astrorock by Paal Brekke: A cosmic journey in the history of rock

Astrorock by Paal Brekke: A cosmic journey in the history of rock

The space age has inspired a number of musicians. The Norwegian solar physicist astrophysicist Paal Brekke's multimedia presentation 22nd August 2023 at Verket Scene, Moss in Norway, took us on a magical mystery tour far out in the space - supported by genuine rock'n roll. 

Beatles,Moss,Norway,concert,rock,the beatles project

Beatlemania in Moss, Norway - The Beatles Project rocked the audience to the fullest

Celebrated yesterday the music of the most famous pop group the world has ever known, The Beatles. Top music, strong energy, sing along and dancing at Øre Villa Kro, Moss, Norway. The Beatles Project from Norway, included Neil Tudor, Paul McCartney look alike from Liverpool, lifted Beatles fans to great heights.

2018-11-17 Read more

Moss, Norway - Christmas Street opening 2016 - Santas, singing, dancing and sparkling lights

The town of Moss woke really live again at the opening of the Christmas street and ignition of the Christmas tree Sunday 27 November 2016.

2016-12-03 Read more


Moss, Jeløya, Norway - Beautiful summer evening at Tollboden, Kanalen

Hot summer evening and pulsating life in the town of Moss. Tollboden, the Canal - Kanalen, and Sjøbadet beach are full of happy people.

2016-09-10 Read more


Bjørnåsenbatteriet, Bjørnåsen hill, Moss, Norway

Got yesterday evening a wonderful view over the region of Moss from the top of Skansen - Bjørnåsenbatteriet - Bjørnåsen hill and battery, also called Torbjørnrød stronghold.


Moss, Norway - By night at the dockside Tollboden

Had a good time at the Moss dockside Tollboden in the late evening: boat- and party life (Friday 19th August 2016). Enjoyed rock`n roll, piano music and dancing. Got a nice view towards Mossesundet, the strait of Moss.


Tronvikstranda, Jeløya, Moss, Norway -

Sunset at Tronvikstranda, Moss, which is one of the area's most popular beaches. The beach is situated on the west side of Jeløya and the bay turns towards north. Pulsating boatlife and swimming here in the summer.

Våpenhula, Moss, Mosseskogen, Svartås

The weapon cave, Våpenhula, Milorg, Moss in Norway - Memories from the Second World War

This cave was once a great secret, today a historical memorial site deep in Mosseskogen, the Forest of Moss. The weapon cave is one of several places in and around Moss where The Homefront Milorg hided weapons and ammunition in the late phase of the occupation period – as a preparation for the liberation fight.

2016-09-10 Read more


Great opportunities for fishing in Vansjø, Vansjo lake, Moss, Oslofjord at Jeløya, Norway

Fishing in Vansjø lake is good for catching fish like perch, pike and more. It`s also good opportunities for fishing in the Oslofjord at the peninsula Jeløya.

Fishing after dark for trout can be one of the most exciting things you have ever done. Just imagine.. You can’t see your hand in front of your face, the w

Read more at: http://Troutster.com
2016-01-29 Read more


Fishing at Gullholmen, Jeløya - The big caught!

Also this year this local fisherman (see the photo) won the traditional sport fishing competition on Saturday 10th May 2014. He was standing on the small island Gullholmen just outside the peninsula Jeløya, Moss in Norway, using a pole and with fly on the hook.

2016-01-29 Read more

Bjørnåsen Hill, Jeløya - Rock on the top?

A natural wonder on the top of Bjørnåsen hill, Jeløya: how has this rock been placed there? It wakes assosiations with the mysterious rock Kummakivi, “Strange Rock", in the dense forest of Valtola, Southern Savonia, Finland.

2015-04-19 Read more

Bjørnåsen, Jeløya - Yellow orange glowing sunset

A wonderful hiking up to a top near Bjørnåsen hill at Jeløya. Admired the magic sunset above Nes and towards the Oslofjord. It's not just the view that fascinated me, but the unique landscape consisting a number of volcanic rocks and the dense old growing forest.

2015-01-18 Read more

Råde, Kleiva & Enga, Norway - Excited adventure inside the cave feltspatgruva

Our path leaded us to the mine Åkerberggruve, which is located in the municipality of Råde, in Norway. For around tree hours on Sunday 4th January 2015, our path took us around in the wild forest. Along the way we crossed a frozzen creek, a streaming creek, observed a small mysterious cabin, moss covered stones, green mountain ridges, different kind of trees, strange art shaped by Mother Nature and the silent pond Isebakktjern.

2015-01-11 Read more

Råde, Kleiva & Enga, Norway - Trekking in a vast, unspoilt forest wilderness

Our round-trip Sunday 4th January 2015 in the pristine forest gave us plenty of opportunities to appreciate the beauty of the wilderness. The area constitute a paradise for outdoor recreation and experience of a untouched nature. This forest near Kleiva and Engen in Råde is really a area where we find trekking as its own reward: good for our health and a feast for our eyes.

2015-01-10 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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