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Here we present unique adventures from the modern society and lifestyle.

Wroclav bar party in Poland

Wroclaw, Poland - Best party life where you can rise up

The party never stops in Wroclaw. Friendly crowd and rock'n roll. Pubs and bars with traditional décor and unique atmosphere. Friendly people - easy to get in contact with and and join in on the fun. The city's nightlife is a mix of high energy, friendly people, and non-stop fun. 

Jesus on cross painting Jerusalem Israel

Easter celebration in Israel - Walking in Jesus’ final footsteps

This year (2020), the Christian Holy Week celebrations started on the 5th April with Palm Sunday. Spending Easter in Israel, the Holy Land, is for Christian pilgrims one of the most exciting and special times to experience.

2023-05-14 Read more

Carnival in Rio 5 - 8 February 2005: Are you ready for the big party?

Share a great experience with other party people from around the world. Nothing is like being part of the pulsating carnival in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. 

2023-05-14 Read more

Hofbräuhaus am Platzl,Munich,Germany

Hofbräuhaus am Platzl, Munich - the place for beer, music and socialising

This fantastic beer hall is always fullpacked. You can immediately feel the energy and joy here. Just take a step inside and you will be lifted up to great hights. Hofbräuhaus am Platzl has also a dark secret from past: Hitler used to make speeches here to Nazi supporters.

Happy new year 2021,Travel Explorations,Norway

Happy New Year 2021 - from Travel Explorations

Out with the old, now in with the new! On this New Year's Eve, we celebrated as usual what we want to experience. Due to the shadow of Covid-19, we celebrated this time like no other. 

2021-01-03 Read more

Ukraine vs Nazis - The football Death Match Second World War - Victory

2012-06-08 Read more

Ireland football match celebrations Euro 2012 - Irish fans are great! And Ireland will surprise!

2012-06-07 Read more

Carnival Rio De Janeiro - Join the world`s biggest party!

2012-02-20 Read more

Anfield Road,Liverpool

Football older than we thought!

"Organised" football has been played in castle courtyards in Scotland for more than 500 years ago, according to experts based on recent discoveries. Until now there has been believed that this sport had its origon from England on the 1800 Century, but British historicans have now found accounts in Scotland from 1497 about how much a bag of "fut ballis" costs.

Bill Shankly,Liverpool

Liverpool Football Club - Famous quotes that show the genuine Liverpool spirit!

Quotes from important persons in Liverpool Football Club inspires. They tell everything about the spirit in the city and are the powerful words that really create magic. Inhabitants in Liverpool are devoted completely to football, but it`s even more than that: it`s a way of life, a religion and a burning passion.
2009-09-01 Read more

Red sky,God,light,Rumi,heart

In search for God – Bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem - Experiences from travelling around the world! Part 2 of 2!

At the time Jalaluddin Rumi lived he had a free mind and challenged many people`s faith. As Rumi wrote in the poem Bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem: I then looked into my heart and it was there where He dwelled that I saw him; He was nowhere else to be found.
2011-02-15 Read more

Red sky,God,light,Rumi

In search for God – Bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem - Experiences from travelling around the world! Part 1 of 2!

Sometimes people I met on my way in Iran in July 2004, who asked me about my belief and religion. I replied by referring to a quote from the Persian mystic poet Rumi. In 1994 I become aware of this poem in the music CD booklet Cross of Changes from Enigma. It was the group`s second album, where they combine old-world elements with new age and radio-friendly dance-pop. Both the poem and music made a tremendous impression on me.
2011-02-15 Read more


Liverpool Football Club – Songs to sing for best support!

True supporters support their club in both good and bad times. One of the best ways to support their beloved club is singing encouraging songs. Learn these songs and become the 12th man on the team. In a period with poor performance by the Liverpool football team and a critical financial situation in the club, it`s possible to differ between loyal and not loyal supporters. Every true supporter going to Anfield Road should know the songs that are chanted on the Kop - for supporting the club and team as best they could!
2010-04-09 Read more


Santa Claus from Moss, Norway, emerged from his secret hiding place in Mosseskogen 2009!

The Norwegian Santa Claus, Christmas nisse (julenissen), never let you down. As usual he showed up this Christmas Eve too. He didn`t climb down the chimney, but anyway he find his way into our house in Moss in Norway. Suddenly we could hear his voice saying ho ho, ho ho!
2009-12-25 Read more


Youth for Red Cross incl. Voe - En Stjerne Skinner i Natt. Hear and watch this beautiful Christmas song!

This Video is part of Give Your Live - a music festival for human rights. It is part of the "Involve Yourself" human rights campaign. Show your support by giving your face.
2009-12-22 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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