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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Dramatic story from Antarctic - what kind of attitude to you need to have to survive?

Tina Sjogren: "At first, it didn't feel too bad. Bewildered, I tried to grasp what had happened. But then my boots filled up, and my clothes. The water sneaked into my every pore and the cold clutched my skin like jaws of ice. I tried to ..........."
Photo. Tina Sjogren on the Arctic Ocean (Copyright ExplorersWeb - www.explorersweb.com)

Tina Sjogren and her husband Thomas skied to the North Pole unsupported from Canada with in 2002. She and Tom are also founders of the great website ExplorersWeb (www.explorersweb.com).

On their website Tina tells about a dramatic experience on this expedition where she nearly lost her life. Polar expeditions are definitely not without risk. She can really confirm that!

Many wonders what have happened to the French-born, 43-year old Dominick Arduin, who have been lost for nearly a month on her way to the North Pole. So does Tina. Tina`s experience make it possible understand what kind of situation Dominick has been in. Her aim was to be the first woman to reach the North Pole solo and unsupported.

Tina`s story based on own experiences illustrate perfectly what kind of attitude people need to have to survive in arctic areas. Read her dramatic story on ExplorersWeb (www.thepoles.com/story).

Read more about dramatic stories from the climbing the highest mountains in the world, exploring the antarctic and sailing around the world. Here you can also get the best advice about climbing, polar expeditions, survival kits, technology and more. Click on the link www.explorersweb.com

This is just what you need to know when you are planning your next big expedition. Be prepared for everything!

Stein Morten Lund, 14 April 2004

Additional information
ExplorersWeb: www.explorersweb.com

French-born, 43-year old Dominick Arduin is one of the most experienced extreme adventurers in the world. For the last 15 years Dominick has lived in Finnish Lapland and has been awarded Finnish citizenship. As an adventurer, Dominick Arduin's goal has been set breathtakingly high: to be the first woman in the world to reach the North Pole solo and unsupported. She has started her expedition, but has been lost for nearly a month.


It's the most isolated continent on the planet. Antarctica is the last vast wilderness, with gigantic icebergs and mountain ranges. Due to its extreme climate and nature, most parts of the area are just available for people who like really big challenges. But tourism here is growing. Both for adventurers and mass tourism. Maybe it will be the most interesting tourist destination in the future?


Some facts about Antarctica:

Area: 14.25 million sq km.

Population: 3,639.

Capital City: N/A.

People: Workers from various countries operate research stations.

Government: No country has any definitive sovereignty over any part of Antarctica although Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the United Kingdom all have territorial claims. The continent has been administered by the Antarctic Treaty since 1961.




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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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