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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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What`s the biggest risk - Everest vs. BigMac

See killer statistics! To give an indication of the risk climbing high mountains, the website ExplorersWeb has analyzed statistic, and compared it with other statistic from other things as smoking, eating junk food and doing nothing, and traffic accidents.
This past winter, the ExplorersWeb ran the "Killer Mountains" series. They became some of their most popular articles. The series investigated the summit/fatalities statistics of the 14, 8000ers. But which of the 14 mountains is the deadliest? And how dangerous are the mountains after all?

Photo. Image of Everest, ExplorersWeb files and Big Mac, courtesy of solstikkan.tripod.com

Click on the link to see the summary of the statistics, and a few other interesting statitistics to consider: www.mounteverest.net/story 

Also females are willing to take the risk to reach ambitious personal goals. Travel Explorations covered recently the expeditions to two Norwegian females, Skog and Skaug, who reached the top of Mt. Everest as the first females in the history.

Photo. Two Norwegian females, Skog and Skaug, made it to the top of Mount Everest in May this year.

They really survived! At the same time several climbers were reported missing and dead. It`s like "Russian Roulette" (Rulett). You never know who is going to live or die. People who are taking such risk are more afraid of not living than dieing.

Based on ExplorersWebs analysis it seems to be a high death rate climbing high mountains, but compared with other statistics it seems to be more risky to live "normal"????

Stein Morten Lund, 5 June 2004

Additional information

Get the hottest news and the best information about climbing, sailing, polar expeditions, medicine, equipment and weather at Explorersweb: www.explorersweb.com



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