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The UFO-investigation in Hessdalen (Norway) goes on – see videofilms about the worlds greatest UFO-mystery!

From one of the latest observations (13.11.2003): "Per was inside his house when he heard a sound outside. He saw no car or tractor outside. The sound was more like a snowmobile, but there is no snow in Hessdalen now. While he was looking out, he suddenly saw a small shiny light, moving fast from the north towards the south......."

Photo. Light which gives a profile of an hand (from the Project Hessdalen website www.hessdalen.org - photographed by Arne P. Thomassen).

The area for these mysterious light phenomena is a Hessdalen in Norway. It lies in the municipality of Holtålen in the "middle# part (south) of the country - not so far from the city Trondheim, and consists principally of the villages of Ålen (the municipality's main centre) and Haltdalen. In addition there are the two mountain hamlets of Aunegrenda and Hessdalen. Hessdalen is approximately 5 km from the municipality's centre.

We in Travel Explorations have published and article about the mystery in Hessdalen earlier. We still follow the work with great interest, and believe there could be fantastic discoveries to be made in the future. Recent activities on the Hessdalen project are:


·        The project leader Erling Strand travels to CA in USA. 

·        Broadband connection to the station from Gauldal Energy is under establishment.

·        Due to many technical problems in the station, the computers are taken down for repair at Østfold College in Sarpsborg. 

·        Science Camp 2003 fieldwork has been arranged. 


The Project Hessdalen has set up an Automatic Measurement Station (AMS) for investigation av light phenomenas/UFOs. It is probably the first time in history to investigate an UFO phenomenon, which happens repeatedly. The Hessdalen AMS, system 1, was set into operation, 7 August 1998. The station consists one black-and-white CCD-camera, connected to a computer and a video-recorder. The station has also a magnetometer, which is connected to another computer.


Through the project it has been possible to document the phenomena, but so far not clear conclusion has been drawn. The mystery has probably grown bigger after the serious research work started.


According to the website Project Hessdalen (www.hessdalen.org), there can be a big difference in how the Hessdalen phenomena look like. The difference is so big that there might be different kind of phenomena we are facing. These differences can be seen both in the pictures and in the description from the observers.


Are the aliens - extraterrestrial coming now to our planet, or it is just a natural simple explanation for the lights? The works with the Hessdalen project continues with Erling Strand as the project manager. What would be next step to reveal the truth about the shining lights?


Stein Morten Lund, 26 March 2004


Additional information

See interesting photos and video films from Hessdalen automatic measurement station on the website Project Hessdalen (www.hessdalen.org).


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