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Expedition “DEEP MED ONE” search for Atlantis

Atlantis is one of humankind's greatest mysteries. Once and for all scientists have plans for discover the truth about the Atlantis legend. In the history it's the first time a scientifically credible explanation of its location and demise has been suggested by French scientist Professor Jacques Collina-Girard. The expedition will start in the summer this year (2004).

Photo. The beautiful island San Torino in Greece. Remains of Atlantis? But now scientists search for other places.

It is truth about the sunken city from past? The legend of Atlantis has fascinated people during thousand of years, but so far no one have ever found evidence for the lost continent or place. According to all theories about Atlantis` location, it could be found many places. Anyway the ocean it`s good to keep its secrets to itself, or maybe there is no Atlantis at all. Perhaps just in our imagination?

The expedition members are inspired by the good old Greek Plato, student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle, who wrote down the only written account of the history of Atlantis. In "Timaeus" Plato recounts the story of Atlantis as told by an Egyptian priest. As Plato wrote: ‘..... there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles".


According to the website Search for Atlantis (www.lookingforatlantis.com), the veracity of oral tradition is well documented in all societies. Pre historic man inhabited the coastal plains of SW Spain and N Morocco throughout the last ice age, land that is now submerged. Sailing is archaeologically documented at 11ky BP, and probably existed at the height of the last ice age. The geology of the submarine islands in the Straits of Gibraltar fits with the myth of Atlantis as described by Plato. Islands that dominate the Straits and would only have been a few miles from the mainland.


The team is supported by UNESCO. They will launch a 15 day expedition out of Toulon. They are convinced that the expedition has a potential to shatter our beliefs as to the development of civilisation, as well as impacting our own future.


The person who has pointed out the location for the search is Jacques Collina-Girard. She is an archaeologist and palaeontologist of the University of Aix en Provence. Collina-Girard is a world expert on pre historic civilisations, and particularly those of SW Europe at the end of the last ice age. Of particular significance is his earlier discovery of cave paintings in the South of France.


The team will survey the submerged islands and look for concrete proof of a prehistoric settlement. They will search, survey and film the under sea area. They hope to find and recover pre historic artefacts. As they say: the global importance, impact, and implications of such finds cannot be exaggerated.

Travel Explorations wish the expedition "DEEP MED ONE" good luck, and look forward to hear about find of sunken treasures. Could this expedition lead to the greatest discovery ever?


Stein Morten Lund, 7 May 2004


Additional information

For more information about Atlantis, click on the links below!




Expedition DEEP MED ONE: www.lookingforatlantis.com


Discovery: www.discoveryatlantis.com


According to Discovery`s website, international team launch "Cyprus Atlantis Expedition 2004" to celebrate moment of EU entry. After several weeks of successful lecture tours and fundraising in Cyprus this Spring, American author Robert Sarmast is this week launching the official Atlantis Expedition Programme. At exactly midnight on Friday, on board ship 5 hours out from Limassol harbour, his international launch team will send a capsule containing the Cyprus, EU and specially created Atlantis flags one mile down to the sea floor at the edge of the submerged continental shelf which Sarmast believes was once the plain of Atlantis.


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