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Theories about the mysterious Hessdalen light phenomena - UFO - Norway!

Several theories have been made, but unexplained residual remains. After so many years with serious research work without any ultimate conclusion, we in Travel Explorations really wonder: would we ever find the truth about it? Maybe there is no explanation at all?
Photo.  Mysterious light over Hessdalen, Norway (from the Project Hessdalen website www.hessdalen.org - photographed by Arne P. Thomassen).

Several theories have been made based on research work by different kind of persons, both students, hobby amatours and scientific person. Many of them are so called non-ufologists, and they have an open approach to find out what the phenomena really is.

The Hessdalen phenomena varies both in shape, movements and colours and time when it occurs.

According to Project Hessdalen (www.hessdalen.org) the phenomena can be organised in four different types:

1. White, or blue-white flashing light.

2. A yellow light, with a red light on the top.

3. A yellow or white light.

4. A black "object" with light on.

Some of the theories are:
- Locals who live in the fantasy world (for many years people from outside the village wouldn`t believe the incredible stories, but some are still sceptical)
- Car headlamps
- Light from the train
- Airplanes
- UFOs (aliens)
- Sun lights - high speed solar wind streams
- Lights from planets - meteorites - light rain
- Kind of Northern Lights
- Magnetic fields
- Electron density
- Etc.

Or could it be an combinition of these theories that could make the ultimate conclusion?

For us in Travel Explorations it only seems that the mystery in Hessdalen grows bigger day for day, but we hope that all the experts and the advanced scientic equipment can solve the Norwegian riddle in the sky.

Stein Morten Lund, 26 March 2004

Additional information
Read more on the website Project Hessdalen - click on the link www.hessdalen.org

Report about different theories and methods for documentation of these theories: "Experimental Methods for studying the Hessdalen-Phenomenon in the light of the Proposed Theories: a Comparative Overview.", by Dr. Massimo Teodorani and Erling Strand.

The report has 93 pages and has the no.: Rapport 1998:5.

It can be ordered at: HIØ Fellesadministrasjonen, Remmen, 1783 Halden, Norway:
Fax: + 47 69215002
E-mail:: Else.Nordheim@hiof.no


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