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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Skull fossil found of the first human to migrate out of Africa

An exquisitely preserved skull of a tiny-brained human ancestor has been recovered from excavations beneath the ruins of a medieval castle in the republic of Georgia. The skull is about 1.8 million years old and belongs to the first group of humans to migrate out of Africa, reports an international team of archaeologists (according to John Roach, National Geographic News, 4 July 2002).
2003-12-21 Read more

Llactapata - Machu Picchu, Inca ruins, Cota Cota, Caral - Lima, Tupac Amaru - Discoveries in Peru goes on!

When it comes to cultural and archaeological treasures, Peru must be one of the most exciting places in the world. The whole country is a treasure chamber with an endless source. It's almost impossible to keep updated with all the great discoveries there. Some of them are Inca ruins at Llactapata near Machu Picchu, Inca ruins called Cota Cota near Machu Picchu, the oldest City in the New World in Caral, near Lima, mummies in Tupac Amaru, a shantytown on the outskirts of Lima. What more will be found in the future?
2003-12-18 Read more

New elephant subspecies discovered in Borneo

DNA tests proving that the elephants living on the island of Borneo, shared by Malaysia and Indonesia, are an indigenous and genetically distinct subspecies of Asian elephant. They have different characteristics from their cousins on mainland Asia and Sumatra. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), should conservation of this subspecies, which is called the "Borneo pygmy elephant", be managed separately from other Asian elephants.
2003-12-18 Read more

Norwegians returned alive from the Devil’s Cave

Sari ... Sari...is the sound made by the Evil Spirit living on top of the mountain when he eats human beings, as believed by the Ye'kuana-indians». Surrounded by mountains there are many spooky caves. One of them is the disreputable Devil's cave on Sarisarinama tepui where four Norwegians entered.
2003-12-18 Read more

Oldest intact Maya mural found in Guatemala

The archaeologist William Saturno is currently revealing the most elaborate depiction of Maya origins ever discovered. It's a mural that shows the first known portrayal of the corn god's journey from the underworld to earth.
2003-12-18 Read more


Caral, Peru - Discovery of a big ancient city!

On 27 April 2001 the Journal Science reported that the development of urban life and complex agriculture in the New World, started nearly a millennium earlier than previously believed. Based on the discovery at Caral in Peru, Is this city the oldest in the world?
2003-12-18 Read more

Sensational exploration in Yemen

Could it be the Queen of Sabah`s empire?
2004-01-28 Read more

Hunting the Loch Ness monster - Scotland

The hunting still goes on. The next expedition is in charge of Jan Ove Sundberg. This man from Sweden makes an effort to catch the monster in the lake Loch Ness in Scotland.
2004-01-28 Read more

Recent big discoveries make the world bigger! (Norwegian version)

Most people mean that the world has grown smaller. Unknown places, wonders, humans and animals are hard to find today. The "white" spots have almost disappeared from the map in our modern world. But our diverse planet is bigger than many people think.

Because of better transport and equipment, we have bigger opportunities to reach the most remote places, and it gives us at the same time bigger opportunities for new incredible discoveries. From this point of view the world has become smaller. And many of the discoveries will be big tourist attractions in the future. READ MORE IN NORWEGIAN!
2004-04-24 Read more

Dødsmarkene i Kambodsja - Et resultat av et vanvittig sosialt ekseperiment

Dødsmarkene er Kambodsja`s tragiske historie. Etter beundringen av templer i Kambodsja`s jungel, så var dagen kommet da jeg skulle få oppleve den store bakrusen, og da med dype tanker om landets masseutryddelse av egne innbyggere. Under det forhatte Pol Pot-regime, ble 1,7 millioner mennesker drept, kanskje så mange som opp mot 2 millioner. I tillegg ble mange skadet for livet. Det vanvittige sosiale eksperimentet som ble igangsatt i 1975, resulterte i massedød over hele landet.
2004-05-29 Les mer

Kambodsja - en reise gjennom en overjordisk vakkerhet i lys en av blodig historie

Skal du oppleve livet slik det virkelig er; vakkert, forunderlig, vennlig og ufattelig grusomt, så må du dra til Phnom Phen, hovedstaden i Kambodsja. Retter du blikket langt mot nord, møter du smilende mennesker i flytende landsbyer, og i jungelen kan du beundre historiske underverk i en storslått natur.
2004-05-29 Read more

Inn to the Papua New Guinea`s jungle (Norwegian version)

Exploring tribes in Papua New Guinea! When I took my first steps in the rural areas in Papua New Guinea, I wondered about how I would be greeted. The tribes are still fighting and blood revenge is widely practised; an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. The white man is not popular either in some places. At one place I visited guards were armed with big machete knifes to protect me when they took me out for a walk in the bush. I wore a big smile and hoped the best ……….

- Meeting the Mud Men
- Crocodile hunting with the Insect tribe
- And more
2004-05-29 Read more

An Norwegian woman experienced two dramatic coups in the Pacific

The Norwegian Newspaper Romsdals Budstikke reports that Trude Strømme (33) experienced two coups during two weeks. She is now on holiday in the Pacific, and escaped from a dramatic coup on the Fiji Islands. Then she travelled to the Salomon Islands. Suddenly a new coup started.
2004-02-22 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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