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Llactapata - Machu Picchu, Inca ruins, Cota Cota, Caral - Lima, Tupac Amaru - Discoveries in Peru goes on!

When it comes to cultural and archaeological treasures, Peru must be one of the most exciting places in the world. The whole country is a treasure chamber with an endless source. It's almost impossible to keep updated with all the great discoveries there. Some of them are Inca ruins at Llactapata near Machu Picchu, Inca ruins called Cota Cota near Machu Picchu, the oldest City in the New World in Caral, near Lima, mummies in Tupac Amaru, a shantytown on the outskirts of Lima. What more will be found in the future?

Photo. The bird on the ground seen from above - up in the air view. Why and how have this and other amazing images been made?

Here are some of the recent great discoveries in Peru:
• Inca ruins at Llactapata near Machu Picchu, November 2003
• Oldest intact Maya mural found in Guatemala, March 2003 (also related to Peru and other places in South America)
• Inca ruins called Cota Cota near Machu Picchu, June 2002
• The oldest City in the New World in Caral, near Lima, April 2001
• Mummies in Tupac Amaru, a shantytown on the outskirts of Lima, 1999

Peru is full of unsolved mysteries from the past. Perhaps some of them could be solved by the new discoveries?

1. Inca ruins at Llactapata near Machu Picchu
On the 6 November this year (2003) an Anglo-American team, supported by The Royal Geographical Society, discovered unknown Inca ruins in the Peruvian cloud-forest 2 miles from the famous Inca site Machu Picchu, also called the Lost City. Llactapata is approximately 50 miles north-west of Cuzco, the old Inca capital, and only two miles from Machu Picchu. Flying over the Andes, the team experimented with infra-red cameras to see through the thick jungle vegetation. Later, they used mules and machetes to cut their way through to a substantial site, which lies at 9,000 ft in the Eastern Andes and is called Llactapata.

The team was led by the British writer and explorer Hugh Thomson and the American archaeologist Gary Ziegler. The expedition found a plaza with ceremonial doorways aligned to Machu Picchu. They also located a two-storey temple, which faces the rising sun. The only previous identification of the main part of the site had been by the American explorer Hiram Bingham in 1912, but he left such an inaccurate account of its position that no expedition has ever been able to find it since.

The Thomson-Ziegler expedition both re-located this sector and also identified as many as five sectors spread out over several square kilometres across a hillside, making the Inca settlement of Llactapata a site of some magnitude.

Photo. It's believed that the ruins at the Llactapata site is closely related to Machu Picchu, and perhaps that could extend our perspective of Machu Picchu and its history.

2. Oldest intact Maya mural found in Guatemala
Guatemala offer also great opportunity for discoveries and explorations connected to Peru.The archaeologist William Saturno is currently revealing the most elaborate depiction of Maya origins ever discovered. It's a mural that shows the first known portrayal of the corn god's journey from the underworld to earth. This is reported by National Geographic, Carol Kaufmann, December 2003. Saturno is a curator of Maya hieroglyphs at the Peabody museum and a senior lecturer in anthropology at Harvard. Already in March 2001, Saturno found a small part of the mural in San Bartolo, Guatemala, while seeking shade in a looters' trench dug into an unexcavated pyramid. The four-foot-long (one-meter-long) fragment showed the advanced ornaments and muscled thighs of the corn god, a mythic Maya figure.

The find of mural in San Bartolo, Guatemala, shows that the Mayans were very skilful in arts. It's assumed that the Mayans were trying to portray the origin of maize and people. Precise brushstrokes, perfectly formed geometric shapes, and life like figures, leads Saturno to believe that Maya art also began to develop much earlier than A.D. 100. The researchers continue the work to reveal more of the Mayans masterpieces and their early life. Hopefully Saturno and his team find more creatures and faces of a lost world on the walls. 

3. Inca Ruins called Cota Cota
Last year the same team made headlines around the world when they discovered another lost Inca site, called Cota Coca, at the bottom of a deep river ravine. A team of explorers from Britain and US discovered on 6 June (2002) the ruins of a "lost city" in Peru, hidden in a remote mountain jungle and untouched for more than 500 years (according to The Royal Geographical Society, with the Institute of British Geographers). The ruins are in south-east Peru, about 50 kilometres southwest of the well-known Inca site of Machu Picchu in the Andes. It's a major new Inca site. Britain's Royal Geographical Society reported that Cota Coca's "constructed area" was more than twice as large as any found at the other Incan ruin whose discovery was announced just a few months ago. The ruins include about 30 stone buildings around a central plaza. One structure, believed to be a large meeting hall or barracks, measures longer than 20 metres. But the newly discovered site is extremely remote, hidden at the bottom of a near-inaccessible river canyon in dense jungle.

The expedition was co-led by Mr Thomson and by American archaeologist Gary Ziegler, who began looking for the site after a tip from a mule-handler. Remote jungle - Cota Coca, at 1,850 metres above sea level, is located on a plateau near where the Yanama and Blanco rivers meet in a deep canyon. The river and valley have become impassable, so the expedition had to approach the city from the mountains above, trekking for five days from the nearest trailhead into thick jungle. And Cota Coca is likely one of the places to which fleeing Incas retreated from the Spanish in 1532, before their total defeat about 40 years later. The site is called Cota Coca because the "coca" in the name may refer to the coca leaf, which could have been grown there and which only Inca nobles were allowed to chew as a natural stimulant.

4. The oldest City in the New World in Caral
On 27 April 2001 the journal Science reported that the development of urban life and complex agriculture in the New World, started nearly a millennium earlier than previously believed. Dr. Ruth Shady of the Museum of Archaeology at the National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, is Project Director for the ongoing research at Caral. Radiocarbon dates from the ancient city of Caral, in the Supe Valley of Peru, 23 km from the coast (and not so far from Lima, the capital in Peru), display that monumental architecture there was under construction as early as 2627 B.C. and until about 2000 B.C. It was even before ceramics and maize were introduced to the region. By comparison, the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt was built between 2600 and 2480 B.C. (referred from the Channel's website).

The enormous size of the urban complex is also remarkable: 65 hectares in the central zone itself, encompassing six large platform mounds (or "pyramids"), many smaller platform mounds, two sunken circular plazas, and diverse architectural features including residential districts. Caral is the largest recorded site in the Andean region with dates older than 2000 B.C. and appears to be the model for the urban design adopted by Andean civilizations that rose and fell over the span of four millennia.

5. Mummies in Tupac Amaru
In a shantytown called Tupac Amaru on the outskirts of Lima, children play in the dust of ages. Beneath their feet, preserved by the bone-dry soil, lies one of the largest Inca cemeteries yet found in Peru. This pre-Hispanic site, known to archaeologists as Puruchuco-Huaquerones, dates from the Late Horizon (1438 to 1532). Since 1999 a team of scientists from National Geographic had to race against bulldozers to pull the past out from under the burgeoning present. Beneath the schoolyard alone, one of 15 areas examined in three years, the have excavated more than 120 mummy bundles (layers of cloth encasing a body and personal effects) typical of pre-Inca and Inca burials.

Photo. Mummy in Peru.  

Mummies are found several places in Peru. Here is a mummy from the desert area outside Nazca.

The mummies here are naturally preserved which differ from the mummies in Egypt. Represents from the National Geographic are doing a great job to save the mummies so they avoid destruction of bulldozers. Photo

The story behind it, told by the National Geographic, there were some 340 families fleeing guerrilla activity in the highlands settled on this property in 1989, misled by land traffickers to believe they would soon be given title. Meanwhile, six feet (2 meters) under and defenseless against the sudden influx of sewage and water, the mummies were decomposing. Some squatters dug them up and burned them, hoping to avoid a scientific excavation that would delay town development. During 3 years researchers have removed, examined, and photographed more than 2,200 individuals of all ages and ranks buried within 75 years of one another.

At 20 acres (8 hectares) this is the second largest cemetery ever excavated in Peru (after Ancón) and the largest from a single time period. The Peruvian Institute of Culture (INC) have been involved in the research work. A local museum is under construction for displaying these cultural treasures.

These discoveries are just some of many interesting founds in Peru in recent time. Peru is unique in the world. It has probably the highest density of archaeological sites in the worlds. The country is filled with them! And Peru is probably also one of the last countries where it`s possible to found unknown cultural and archaeological treasures. Bear in mind that the Incas have paths linked to several sites. Maybe the recent discoveries lead to new discoveries. Still haven't the legendary Inca gold treasure Eldorado and the Inca gold city Vilcabamba been found, but who know what would be next. Hopefully will the treasures soon be available for visitors too.

Stein Morten Lund, 21 November 2003

Additional information

1. Inca Ruins at Llactapata:
For the more information about the expedition and discovery see the website at Adventure Specialists:

Bear Basin Ranch
Westcliffe, Colorado 81252

Fore full report:

2. Oldest intact Maya mural found in Guatemala:
Web links advised by National Geographic:

San Bartolo Maya Mural Project:

Learn about the special technology used in the excavation along with the process of conserving the mural once it is uncovered.

Harvard University Peabody Museum:

View more pictures of the mural and explanations of the characters on it at this Harvard University website.


Another significant Maya mural site, Mexico's Bonampak is discussed on this Yale University website.

National Geographic News:

Read more about Saturno's discovery of the mural, and what other Maya experts are saying about it.

• Coe, Michael D. The Maya (Ancient Peoples and Places). Thames and Hudson, 1999.
• Freidel, David, and Linda Schele. A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya. Quill, reprint edition, 1992. 

3. Inca ruins called Cota Cota:
For more information contact Tina Gardner, Communications Officer, at the RGS-IBG on 0207 591 3019 [International: +44 207 591 3019]. Alternatively you can email the expedition leaders Hugh Thomson at thomson@clara.co.uk and Gary Ziegler at discovery@adventurspec.com

For the full report on the expedition see

See also the web site for The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers):

4. The oldest City in the New World in Caral:

• Shady Solis, Ruth, Jonathan Haas, and Winifred Creamer.
• 2001 Dating Caral, a Preceramic Site in the Supe Valley on the Central Coast of Peru.
• Science 292:723-726.

Related links:



5. Mummies in Tupac Amaru:
• National Geographic's website www.nationalgeographic.com
• See also the National Geographic's magazine - May 2002 edition - Inca rescue: Excavating a centuries-old graveyard.

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