Advice & Trends
Here we give advice and inform about important trends in the world`s biggest industry - travel tourisme! Life could be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it. Travelling is one alternative. Explore more!
Some sources estimates the number of deaths to be over 4 million annually, and that as many 100 millions get infected.
A scientific database about the world's animals and plants is established on Internet. The database is a result of cooperation between 32 countries and several environment organisations.
- How do you reduce the risk regarding stealing, sickness and accidents?
- What do you do if you get in trouble?
How to acquaint people with a different culture background, and how do you communicate with them?
Poems by Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
An great explorer and author
Situated on the banks of the Negro river, Manaus is an important centre for ecological tourism. One of its most popular attractions is the Ponta Negra beach, 13 kilometres from the centre of the city, where, when the river is low, the sands are exposed right down to the river bed, forming a beautiful contrast with the dark waters of the river itself.
Higher water temperature threatens the natural wonder. The corral reefs, which cover Australia's famous Great Barrier Reef, is turning to die out. Within 50 years this will happen if the ocean water temperature continues to rise, maintain a professor.
The organisation New 7 Wonders Foundation in cooperation with the Afghanistan Museum in Bubendorf, Switzerland, plans to reconstruct Buddha statues in Afghanistan. The statues were destroyed by the Taliban in March this year despite they were placed on the UNESCO`s list. The conservationists will use the latest technology. As soon as the country became more stable, the project for reconstructing the Buddha statues will begin.
Can this terrible disease be extinguished once for all?
Range of exciting presentations:
1. Exploration of off beaten tracks
2. How to achieve an extraordinary travel adventure
3. Brand building in the travel business
4. Wild, beautiful Amazon
5. The American civil war
6. Quiz - competitions
7. Based on requests these presentations can be tailor-made.
The Norwegian Newspaper Romsdals Budstikke reports that Trude Strømme (33) experienced two coups during two weeks. She is now on holiday in the Pacific, and escaped from a dramatic coup on the Fiji Islands. Then she travelled to the Salomon Islands. Suddenly a new coup started.
Meeting the Mudmen in Papua New Guinea
See the video HERE |