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Exotic Tribes
Be a responsible traveller. Show tribal people respect and meet them on their premises. Visiting people with a different lifestyle and culture could sometimes be a very rewarding adventure, but be aware of that many tribal communities are extremely vulnerable to outside influences. All tribal people need to be protected from tourists in order to preserve their unique lifestyle and cultures. Travellers should understand that some tribes would like to live undisturbed, and that visit would be an intrusion.

Experience of warm hearted hospitality by the Bakhtiaria nomads in Persia, Iran - Our home is your home! View video clip!

The Bakhtiaria are called the People of the Wind. About one third of them are nomads who migrate seasonally from one place to another with their tribe, family, livestock, and all their belongings. Iran is the largest consentration of traditional nomads in the world. Here is a video clip of one of them, the Bakhtiaria.
2006-03-24 Read more

Cuzco in Peru – more than only ruins!

Cuzco - Cusco, Navel of the World, was the Capital of Andean Culture. Cuzco is famous for its amazing ancient architectural wonders. They are connected with unsolved mysteries. Some interesting sites around Cuzco - Cusco are: Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, Chincheros, Kenko, Pisac, Aguas Calientes, Sacred Places, Sacred Valley, Paucartambo, Tambomachay, Yucay, Andahuaylillas, Pikillacta, Puca Pucara, Suchuna or Rodadero, Sabacurinca, Raqchi, Tipon, Circuits, and the Inca Trail. But by spending more time exploring the city and surroundings, I noticed there where more to experience.
2006-02-16 Read more

The Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax - book based on a research by Laura Martin and Geoffrey Pullum!

It`s a popular myth that Eskimos have several hundred of words for snow. The more correct name on this people is Inuits, as they would like to be called. Everybody would like to believe this amazing story, but it`s not true according to the researchers Laura Martin. This is well documented in Geoffrey Pullum`s book The Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax. The idea that Eskimos have so many words for snow has its origin from that people believed Eskimos viewed snow very differently than people with other cultural background.
2006-01-01 Read more

The San, Bushmen in Kalahary, Africa, struggle to survive in the modern world!

How long will the Bushmen manage to retain their cultural heritage? Survivel International reported 8 October 2005 that dozens of Bushmen were evicted yesterday from their ancestral land in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana. Police carried out the removals at gunpoint and then set fire to the Bushmen's huts.
2005-10-21 Read more

Dancing Choopy with the Lor nomads – Iran – Persia – See the video clip of the world’s most brutal dance!

Some of the ethnic groups in Iran are Persians, Arabs, Kurds, Azaris, Gilakis & Mazandaranis, Baluchis, Turkmens, Bakhtiaris and Ghashghais. In July 2004 I took my way high up in the Zagros Mountains. Here I met a group from the Lor nomads. When I approached their camp I heard someone fired a gun, but it was nothing to worry about. The men in the camp were just preparing a wedding, and wanted to great me in their own way. I was welcomed with open arms and soon I was in the middle of a big event. The music started. So the men become in mood for real action, and they challenged me in a dance I never have experienced before, the ferocious Choopy dance…..
2005-10-08 Read more

You`ll Never Walk Alone, Liverpool - Performed by the Bedouin Ibrahim from Jordan - Whats our video clip!

From Liverpool this beautiful song has spreaded around the world - even to the harsh deserts in Jordan. This song brings joy and happiness, and its joins people across nations, oceans, mountains and also deserts. I told the Bedouins about the fantastic football club Liverpool F.C. and the people from Liverpool. They stay together in good and bad times. Bedouins and people from Liverpool have very different lifestyle and culture, but one thing they have in common is unique hospitality and good guts.
2005-09-23 Read more

Staying with Bedouins in "house of hair" - Jordan

They live in a large textile home, protected from the heat, cold and wind by handwoven walls and ceilings. The tents are divided in two parts: one for men and one for women. Jordan's Bedouins live in the vast wasteland. All throughout the south and east of the country, they live in characteristic black goat-hair tents. These are known as beit al-sha'ar, or "house of hair." I had the great pleasure to stay with Bedouins in these tents many places.....
2005-09-06 Read more

Singing the Liverpool song You`ll Never Walk Alone along with Bedouins in Jordan!

Bedouins are still practicing their old musical traditions. In a big tent far out in the desert I had with a great time playing music and singing along with them. My choice for a song was "You'll Never Walk Alone". I got the honour to introduce this song. It was amazing for me to notice how emotionally touched the Bedoins become by this song. Actually all people get affected by this song, and it`s amazing to see how it reaches across all boundaries around the world.
2005-08-15 Read more

Shocking report from Jordan: If you drink too much Bedouin Whiskey, you will see your mother in law naked!

As one of the most welcoming, hospitable people in the world, the people in Jordan have their own rituals for guests. The first gesture which is associated with Bedouins hospitality is offering tea. The second is also related to drinking and it take you to new heights, or shall I say causes frightening visions.
2005-07-30 Read more

Into the heartland of the Bedouins in Jordan

Far in the desert in Dana, south in Jordan, the condition for living is impossible, except for the Bedouin people. They live so close to the nature that they knew each inch of it, and can make their life sustainable. By walking through deep canyons and high mountains, I reached the sandy and rocky desert area where the Bedouins live.

Everywhere I showed up by a camp, I was invited in to the people's tents for tea and for cooling down in the shadow. The weather was extremely warm, and so was the heart of the people….
2005-07-17 Read more

Searching for the Flecheiros, an uncontacted tribe in Amazon - Brazil

From the Brazilian side, an expedition was set out 8 June 2002 intended to find an certain unconctacted tribe in the Amazon. After two week of river travel and 20 days bushwhacking, participants could see the first signs of the Indians.
2003-12-18 Read more

Walk in the footprints of Lawrence of Arabia – Wadi Rum - Jordan

A journey to Wadi Rum is a journey to another world. It looks like a moonlandscape. In this area you can experience an unspoilt desert with ancient sites, natural wonders, Bedouin culture and lifestyle.
2005-01-05 Read more

Survivor in Amazon - Peru - Part 1 of 2

The sky roared like the belly of a hungry jaguar...our small boat was headed right toward the navy blue storm cloud.

By small, I mean large enough for five passengers and the three live chickens cramped behind my seat.
2005-01-01 Read more

Exploring tribes in Papua New Guinea`s highland!

When I took my first steps in the rural areas in Papua New Guinea, I wondered about how I would be greeted. The tribes are still fighting and blood revenge is widely practised; an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
2003-12-29 Read more

Namibia, Africa: A wonderful time with the Bushmen in Kalahari!

Meeting the Bushmen in Namibia was an exciting journey into the their mind and the spirit. Our two highlights were a marriage proposal, and introducing of football (soccer). The Bushmen or San, have their home is the vast expanse of the Kalahari Desert. They are living in one of the most inhospitable terrains in the world. It’s almost unbelievable that they are able to survive by hunting, gathering roots and tubers in such environment. Their lifestyle and culture were really something to experience!
2003-12-29 Read more

Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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