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Exotic Tribes
Be a responsible traveller. Show tribal people respect and meet them on their premises. Visiting people with a different lifestyle and culture could sometimes be a very rewarding adventure, but be aware of that many tribal communities are extremely vulnerable to outside influences. All tribal people need to be protected from tourists in order to preserve their unique lifestyle and cultures. Travellers should understand that some tribes would like to live undisturbed, and that visit would be an intrusion.

Walk in the footprints of Lawrence of Arabia – Wadi Rum - Jordan

A journey to Wadi Rum is a journey to another world. It looks like a moonlandscape. In this area you can experience an unspoilt desert with ancient sites, natural wonders, Bedouin culture and lifestyle.
Photo. Wadi Rum in Jordan, one of the most stunning deserts landscapes in the world. It just lay there waiting for humans for more discoveries from an ancient time. © Jordan Beauty Tours (www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com ).

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, commonly called Jordan, is a country in the Middle East. It is bordered by Syria to the north, Iraq to the north-east, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, and Israel and West Bank to the west. It shares with Israel the coastlines of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea. The local short form of the country is Al Urdun and local long form is Al Mamlakah al Urduniyah al Hashimiyah.

Jordan is full of natural wonders and ancient sites. One of the greatest natural wonders is the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, where you can "float" rather than "swim".

One of the greatest ancient sites is Petra, the ancient rose-red city of the Nabateans, which is carved out from a mountain rock. As Lonely Planet (www.LonelyPlanet.com) considers the city on its website: "Petra may be overrun with snap-happy day-trippers, but that doesn't change the fact that it's one of the world's most atmospheric ruins".

Photo. The so-called Monastery, a huge monastery in Petra, built in the first century.
 © Jordan Beauty Tours (www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com).

The site is entered by walking through a kilometer long chasm (or siq), the walls of which stands 200 meters upwards. Various walks and climbs reveal literally hundreds of buildings, tombs, baths, funerary halls, temples, arched gateways, colonnaded streets, rock drawings, a gigantic monastery from the first century and a modern archaeological museum. A modest shrine that commemorates the death of Aaron, brother of Moses, was built in the 13th century by the Mamluke Sultan, on the top of the mountain Aaron in the Sharah range.

The best-known of the monuments at Petra, the is Khazneh, Pharaoh`s treasure chamber. The city become especially famous after a scene was recorded for the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (used in the final sequence of the film). Other ruins are the 8000-seat amphitheatre and the Temple of the Winged Lions, which is still under excavation.


Contact Jordan Beauty Tours for more information and booking your adventure tour in Jordan:

Manager: Yousef Hasanat
Company: Jordan Beauty Tours
Phone Office: 0096232155955
Mobile: 0096277282730
Fax: 0096232157371
Website: www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com
E-mail: yousifl77@yahoo.com

In the northern parts of the country you can enjoy Umm Qais, Jerash with well preserved Roman ruins, the capital Amman, and the mosaic city of Madaba.

Jordan's most exciting region is Wadi Rum. A journey to this area is like a journey to another world. Red rose sand dunes and rock formations will rise up in front of you.

Wadi Rum is a nature-lover's paradise. Serious mountaineers relish its challenging climbs, some 1,750 meters up at sheer granite and sandstone cliffs.

Photo. A boy from a Bedouin tribe.
© Jordan Beauty Tours (www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com).

Wadi Rum is situated 320 km southwest of Amman, 120 km south of Petra, and only 68 km north of Aqaba.

Photos. Girls from Bedoin tribes.
© Jordan Beauty Tours (www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com).

The area is full of beautiful rock formations, but it's probably best known for the charismatic British officer T.E. Lawrence's camping and travelling there during the Great Arab Revolt of 1917-18, and the area was also the scene for the film that carried his name "Lawrence of Arabia".

Photo. Camels are the best way for exploring the desert - just like Lawrence of Arabia.

On a camel`s back you can go almost everywhere: nature reserves, mountains, cliffs, barren desert with sand dunes, deep valleys and canyons, Bedouin villages and camps, archaeological excavations and historical sites. Just keep tight!

Wadi Rum was famously described by T. E. Lawrence as "vast, echoing and God-like," and acclaimed by many as one of the most stunning deserts landscapes in the world. In this desert landscape there are plenty of traces after human life from ancient time. It's still fairly unexplored, so it's a real treasure chamber for adventure travellers. There is probably more to be found here! Just find a camel and set off!

Photo. Bedouin family.
© Jordan Beauty Tours (www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com).

Wadi Rum has been inhabited for generations. Here you can visit several Bedouin tribes around in the area. They will show their best hospitality by inviting you to share mint tea or cardamon coffee in their black tents, or sitting by the fire under the sky full of stars.

Stein Morten Lund, 5 January 2005

Additional information

Facts about Jordan:
Formal country name: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Area: 89,206 sq km
Population: 5.46 million
Capital City: Amman
People: 98% Arab (60% Palestinian, many refugees), Circassians, Chechens, Armenians, Bedouins
Language: Arabic, English
Religion: 92% Sunni Muslim, 4% Shiite Muslim, 4% Christian
Government: constitutional monarchy

Presentation of our partner in Jordan (sponsored text and link):


Jordan Beauty Tours, Jordan - discover the wonders of Jordan and follow the footprints of "Lawrence of Arabia"
The company offer desert adventures, hiking, trekking, climbing, Jeep safaris, camel caravans, horse riding, all over Jordan and the Middle East. Their guides have extended knowledge of the region, especially in their home land "The Desert". Here travellers can combine adventure tours, challenging activities, exploring of ancient sites, joining cultural events, experienceing religious ceremonies and relax in beautiful surroundings.

The wide range of opportunities in the region as sightseeing tours tours, pilgrimage tours, SPA therapy treatments, bathing in the natural hot springs, hiking in beautiful canyons and nature reserves, diving in the Red Sea, camel treks in the desert and other great adventure tours, make it interesting for everyone with passion for travelling.

One highlight is to experience the "rose-red" city of Petra, a UNESCO world heritage site. The city was carved out from a mountain by the Nabaten. And even more: the whole Jordan is full of ancient sites, tombs and monasteries.

Another highlight is swimming at the lowest point on Earth, which 400 meters below sea level. Actual the expression of swimming is not totally correct while you will rather be floating than swimming in the Dead Sea.

Jordan is the country for the ultimate desert adventure. Here you can meet several nomadic groups as the Bedouin people, and experience their culture and lifestyle. The word Bedu comes from the Arabic word, Badawi, which means "a dweller of the desert".

The Bedouins have learned to survive in a harsh landscape and an extreme climate. They treat the surroundings with completely respect, knowing that the wilderness has no respect for fools. The Bedouins walk continuously on a thin line between life and death, balancing with enormous strength and unique skills.

Jordan Beauty Tours promise is to make every trip they organise a unique experience for their clients. They stand for offering a travel experience beyond expectations, and do everything to meet travellers' individual need and wishes. Contact the company more for information and suggestions.

Contact info:
Manager: Yousef Hasanat
Company: Jordan Beauty Tours
Phone Office: 0096232155955
Mobile: 0096277282730
Fax: 0096232157371
Website: www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com
E-mail: yousifl77@yahoo.com


Tours that  realize your dream tour in the Middle East - Jordan and Egypt:

Jordan Beauty Tours offers you a truly different experience. Here we present some the programs that the tour operator offer. Please note that the programs may vary according to the flight schedules. Tours can also be tailormade based on requests.

Jordan is full of natural wonders and historical sites. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, commonly called Jordan, is a country in the Middle East. It is bordered by Syria to the north, Iraq to the north-east, Saudi Arabia to the east and south, and Israel and West Bank to the west. It shares with Israel the coastlines of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea. The local short form of the country is Al Urdun and local long form is Al Mamlakah al Urduniyah al Hashimiyah.

Jordan Beauty Tours offers the following tours:

Classical tours:
1 The historical and cultural heritage of Jordan (7 days)
2 From the Eastern Desert to the Red Sea (9 days)

Off-road challenges:
7 To boldly go where no man has gone before (10 days)

Pilgrimage tours:
3 East of the Jordan, towards the sunrise (9 days)                      
Cycling tours:
8 The tour of Jordan (11 days)
Hiking tours:
4 The wisdom trail (11 days, to Petra and Wadi Rum)
5 From the mountain to the valley (13 days, nomadic nature tour)
Outdoors adventure tours:
9 A tale of two canyons (9 days)
Camel and horse-riding tours:
6 A journey back in time (10 day horse-riding tour)
Overland tours:
10 From the Nabatean Kingdom to the land of the Pharaohs (12 days, to Jordan and Egypt)


Contact Jordan Beauty Tours for more information and booking your adventure tour in Jordan:

Manager: Yousef Hasanat
Company: Jordan Beauty Tours
Phone Office: 0096232155955
Mobile: 0096277282730
Fax: 0096232157371
Website: www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com
E-mail: yousifl77@yahoo.com

Iteniaries for tours arranged by Jordan Beauty Tours (www.jordan-beautytours.itgo.com):

1 The historical and cultural heritage of Jordan

7-day classical tour:
During this 7-day round trip you will see the highlights of the historical and cultural heritage of Jordan. You will visit Petra, Jerash and the mosaics of Madaba. You will have great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful Jordanian nature when travelling along the King's Highway and during your visit of Wadi Rum. The Red Sea near Aqaba will offer you time to relax and enjoy the beautiful underwater world. Next to the excursions the program will leave you plenty of room to explore Jordan for yourself and meet the hospitable local people.

Day 1 Flight to Amman and transfer to your hotel in Amman, where you will enjoy dinner and stay overnight.

Day 2 You will visit Jerash, the Pompei of the East. You will enter Jerash through the monumental South Gate and find yourself wandering around in a Roman city. You will walk in the Oval Plaza surrounded by colonnades, visit the Roman theatre and Byzantine churches with mosaic-covered floors. Enjoy a stroll along Jerash' main road the Cardo and pass by the Nymphaeum.

Jerash has been covered by sand for centuries, the main reason why it is still so well-preserved. You may experience the marvellous acoustics of the theatre, the stage of the Jerash music festival which takes place every year. And see for yourself how the Romans built the earthquake-proof columns of the colonnaded streets.

Next you will visit Umm Qais, which was built mainly out of black basalt. Here you can enjoy the impressive view over Lake Tiberias and the Golan Heights. At the guesthouse we will serve you a traditional mezze lunch.

After lunch, on the way back to Amman, you will visit the Islamic military castle of Ajloun. The castle was used by the Islamic armies of Saladin to protect the region against the crusaders. After dinner in the hotel you will have plenty of time to enjoy the nightlife in Amman.

Day 3 You will depart early for Madaba and visit the famous mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Your next stop will be Mount Nebo, where like Moses you will be able to overlook the Holy Land and the Dead Sea. If the sky is clear Jerusalem, Jericho and Bethlehem will meet your eye. The journey will continue along the King's Highway. On the way you will pass through Wadi Mujib, the grand canyon of Jordan. You will stop in Karak for lunch.

In the afternoon you will visit the huge castle where Saladin and Richard Lionheart fought during the crusades. While enjoying the beautiful landscapes the journey continues along the King's Highway to Petra, your final destination for today.

Day 4 In the morning a local guide will escort you into Petra and show you the highlights of the Nabatean city. You will enter the city through the Siq and be rewarded with the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. You will also visit the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street.

In the afternoon you are free to wander around in Petra and explore the area for yourself. You may climb the stairs to the Monastery and admire the splendid view over the Wadi Araba. In the evening we will serve you dinner by a campfire in Little Petra.

Day 5 - 6 In the morning you will be transferred to Wadi Rum. You shall pass the famous seven pillars of wisdom, described by Lawrence of Arabia and explore Wadi Rum by jeep, escorted by a Bedouin guide. You shall see the house where Lawrence of Arabia lived, and the inscriptions made by the Thamudic and Nabatean people centuries ago. And you may even climb one of the natural rock bridges.

After lunch at the visitor's centre the journey will continue to the Red Sea port Aqaba. You will be free to spend the remaining part of the day and the next day according to your own wishes.

Suggestions: diving or snorkelling, relaxing on one of the beautiful sandy beaches. Or perhaps you would like to take a trip on a glass boat and see the amazing coral reefs.

Day 7 In the morning you will be transferred to Amman. In the afternoon we will offer you a guided city tour by bus. You will visit the Amman citadel, the Roman theatre and the Suq, a typical Middle Eastern market where you may buy almost everything. In the late afternoon you will depart for the airport and fly back home.

2 From the Eastern Desert to the Red Sea

9-day classical tour of Jordan's cultural and natural highlights:
During this 9-day round trip you shall see the highlights of the historical and cultural heritage of Jordan. Next to Petra, Jerash and the mosaics of Madaba you will also visit some of the most beautiful Islamic castles in the Eastern Desert. And of course we shall also show you some of the most beautiful Jordanian landscapes: Wadi Rum, the Azraq Oasis and the grand canyon of Jordan. And last but not least there will be ample time to spend in Aqaba near the Red Sea, to relax on the beach and enjoy the colourful coral reefs.

Day 1 Flight to Amman and transfer to your hotel, where you will enjoy dinner and stay overnight.

Day 2 After breakfast we will take you on a guided city tour of Amman. You will visit the Amman citadel, the Roman theatre and the Suq, a typical Middle Eastern market where you may buy almost everything. Next the bus will drive you to the north of Jordan, to Umm Qais where you may admire the impressive view on Lake Tiberias and the Golan Heights. At the guesthouse we will serve you a traditional mezze lunch. In the afternoon you will visit Jerash, the Pompei of the East. You will enter Jerash through the monumental South Gate and find yourself wandering around in a Roman city. You will walk in the Oval Plaza surrounded by colonnades, visit the Roman theatre and Byzantine churches with mosaic-covered floors. Enjoy a stroll along Jerash' main road the Cardo and pass by the Nymphaeum. Back in Amman, after dinner you will have plenty of time to enjoy the nightlife.

Day 3 After breakfast you will depart early for the Eastern Desert. The Romans were not deterred by the desert climate and built a chain of fortresses along the ‘limes arabicus', the frontiers of their new Arabic province. Most of the castles you can visit nowadays were built by the caliphs during the Ummayyad period. Some are decorated with fine mosaics, frescoes, stone and stucco carvings and illustrations. They stand as silent and impressive evidence of Jordan's rich history. Today you shall see three of the best-preserved desert castles.
Qasr al-Mushatta is the largest and most richly decorated Ummayyad castle in Jordan. It's a large, square fortress, surrounded by walls with circular towers on every side. Qusayr Amra is placed by Unesco on its World Heritage List. Its interior walls and ceilings are covered with lively frescoes and two of its rooms are paved with colourful mosaics.

Qasr al-Azraq is built in black basalt and has been in continuous use since Roman times. During the Arab Revolt it functioned as the headquarters of Lawrence of Arabia. Late in the afternoon you will be transferred to the Azraq Oasis and be shown the highlights of the oasis. Dinner is served in Azraq Guesthouse and you will stay there overnight.

Day 4 You will depart early for Madaba and visit the famous mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Your next stop will be Mount Nebo, where like Moses you will be able to overlook the Holy Land and the Dead Sea. You will leave Madaba southwards and travel along the King's Highway to Mukawir, the hilltop stronghold of Herod the Great, which is surrounded by ravines on three sides. It was at Mukawir where Herod Antipas ordered the beheading of John the Baptist to please Salome. The journey will continue to Umm ar-Rasas where you will visit the church of St. Stephen, which contains Jordan's largest mosaic floor featuring images of the fifteen major cities of the Holy Land. You will also visit the highest standing ancient tower of Jordan, which still puzzles specialists because it doesn't contain a door or inner staircase. It is believed to have been home to a pillar saint. The journey to Karak takes you through Wadi Mujib, the grand canyon of Jordan. In Karak you may enjoy dinner in one of the traditional restaurants and spend the evening as you wish.

Day 5 In the morning there will be a visit to the castle of Karak, where Saladin and Richard Lionheart fought during the crusades. You will continue along the King's Highway, passing several ravines. In the restored medieval village of Dana your lunch is served at the guesthouse, which offers an excellent view of the Dana Nature Reserve.

In the afternoon you will visit the castle of Shobak. During the crusades period it was known as Mons Realis, since it was the first castle established by the kingdom of Jerusalem at the other side of the river Jordan. Late in the afternoon you arrive in Petra for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 6 In the morning a local guide will escort you into Petra and show you the highlights of the Nabatean city. You will enter the city through the Siq, the narrow gorge and be rewarded with the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. You will also visit the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street.

In the afternoon you are free to wander around in Petra and explore the area for yourself. You may climb the stairs to the Monastery and admire the view over the Wadi Araba. Perhaps you would like to walk all the way up to the High Place of Sacrifice and see the obelisks which are believed to represent the most important Nabatean gods, Dushara and Al ‘Uzza. After dinner at the hotel you will have plenty of time to explore the village of Wadi Musa and maybe have a drink at the Cave Bar.

Day 7 You are free to spend the morning according to your own liking. Suggestion: visit Little Petra, which dates back to prehistoric times. After lunch you will be transferred to Wadi Rum. You will pass the famous seven pillars of wisdom, described by Lawrence of Arabia. Our guided jeep tour will show you Lawrence of Arabia's house and Thamudic and Nabatean inscriptions made centuries ago. And you may climb one of the natural rock bridges. Late in the afternoon you will continue to Aqaba, where you can spend the evening according to your own wishes.

Day 8 You can spend this day in Aqaba entirely according to your own wishes. Suggestions: relax and spend time on the sandy beaches, go diving or snorkelling, take a trip on a glass boat and enjoy the beautiful coral reefs.

Day 9 Late in the afternoon you will be transferred to Amman and fly back home.
3 East of the Jordan, towards the sunrise

9-day pilgrimage tour:
Nowadays the part of the Holy Land east of the Jordan River is part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is blessed with the rich spiritual heritage of the history of salvation as recorded in the Bible. Abraham, Moses, Naomi and Ruth, Elijah, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and Paul. They all performed pivotal elements of their ordained mission in the ancient landscape east of the Jordan. This is why increasing numbers of religious pilgrims today begin their own journey of faith in Jordan. For in so doing they can retrace the entire saga of God's revelation to mankind and the development of the Abrahamic faiths.

Day 1 Flight to Amman and transfer to your hotel. The region around Jordan's capital was known as the Ammonite kingdom.

Day 2 Today you will travel through the north of Jordan, once known as the land of Gilead. You will visit Jerash, known in the Bible as the region of the Gerasenes. It was part of the Roman Decapolis and is sometimes referred to as the Pompei of the East.

You will also visit Umm Qais and enjoy the impressive view over the See of Galilee and the Golan Heights. Umm Qais was also part of the Decapolis and was once called Gadara. It is associated with Jesus' miracle of sending two demons into a herd of swines.
After a traditional mezze lunch at the guesthouse, your journey will continue to the Jordan Valley. You will visit Tabaqat Fahl, Decapolis city Pella, to which early Christians fled from Jerusalem to escape the Jewish Revolt in AD 66-70 and Roman persecution in the earliest Christian centuries.

The following stop will be "Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing", and where he also baptized Jesus Christ. You will have dinner in Madaba and stay there overnight.

Day 3 Today is Sunday. Since the population of Madaba is predominantly Christian, you will have the opportunity to attend church. Madaba, biblical Medeba, was part of the ancient kingdom of Moab and is famous for its Byzantine mosaics.

Day 4 Today you will travel through the land of Moab and Edom, along the six thousand years old King's Highway. You will first visit the orthodox church of Saint George in Madaba and see the sixth century mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The next stop will be at Mount Nebo, from where Moses, "the servant of the Lord" and "the friend of God" overlooked the Holy Land. If the sky is clear Jerusalem, Jericho and Bethlehem will meet your eye.

You will continue to Machaerus, biblical Mukawir, the hilltop stronghold of Herod the Great. It was at Mukawir where Herod Antipas ordered the beheading of John the Baptist to please Salome.

In Umm ar-Rasas, which is mentioned in the Bible as Mephaath, you will visit the church of St. Stephen, which contains Jordan's largest mosaic floor featuring the fifteen major cities of the Holy Land. And the highest standing ancient tower of Jordan, which today still puzzles specialists because it does not have a door or inner staircase. It is believed to have been home to a pillar saint.

The journey towards Karak takes you through Wadi Mujib, the grand canyon of Jordan. In Karak, biblical Kir Har'eseth, you will spend the night.

Day 5 In the morning there will be a visit to the castle of Karak, where Saladin and Richard Lionheart fought during the crusades. You will continue along the King's Highway, passing several ravines. In the restored medieval village of Dana lunch is served at the guesthouse, which offers an excellent view of the Dana Nature Reserve.

In the afternoon you will visit the castle of Shobak. During the crusades period it was known as Mons Realis, since it was the first castle established by the kingdom of Jerusalem at the other side of the river Jordan. Late in the afternoon you arrive in Petra for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 6 In the morning a local guide will escort you into Petra and show you the highlights of the Nabatean city. King Aretas, mentioned in 2 Corinthians 11:32 was a Nabatean King. You will enter the city through the Siq, the narrow gorge and be rewarded with the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. Next there is a visit to the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street.

In the afternoon you may wander around in Petra and explore the area for yourself. Perhaps you would like to visit Mousa Spring, where Moses struck the rock and brought forth water. In the evening we will prepare you a candlelight dinner in Little Petra.

Day 7 On your way to Wadi Rum you will pass the famous seven pillars of wisdom, described by Lawrence of Arabia. You will explore Wadi Rum by jeep, escorted by a Bedouin guide. We will show you Lawrence of Arabia's house and the inscriptions made by Thamudics and Nabateans centuries ago. And you may climb one of the natural rock bridges. After lunch at the visitor's centre you will continue to Aqaba, where you can spend the afternoon and evening according to your own wishes. Suggestions: relax and spend time on the sandy beaches, go diving or snorkelling, take a trip on a glass boat and enjoy the beautiful coral reefs.

Day 8 Travelling through the wonderful Wadi Araba, the desert landscape above Aqaba, you will visit Wadi Numeira and see the Sanctuary of Lot. Lot and his family took refuge there when the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were being destroyed. It's a natural cave with a spring, overlooking the Dead Sea, which you will visit next. The Dead Sea, known in the Bible as "the Sea of Arabah" or "the Salt Sea", is one of the most dramatic places on earth. Its stunning natural environment is matched by its powerful spiritual symbolism. You can spend the evening in Amman according to your own wishes.

Day 9 You will be transferred to the airport and fly back home.
4 The wisdom trail

11-day hiking tour to Petra and Wadi Rum:
‘Rum the magnificent… vast, echoing and Godlike… a processional way greater than imagination… the crimson sunset burned on its stupendous cliffs and slanted ladders of hazy fire down its walled avenue…'

Those were the words used by Lawrence of Arabia to describe the timeless, silent and vast place of Wadi Rum. And not without reason. Wadi Rum is one of the most impressive places of Jordan, a place where you can dwell for days without meeting anybody besides maybe a Bedouin family sitting in its goat's wool tent in the rose-red desert sand. And sometimes the odd family of camels. Apart from that you are surrounded by sky-high cliffs of rose-red sandstone rock.

What better way is there to experience this natural beauty than the way people have been doing this for centuries? From the Stone Age on people have been crossing Wadi Rum on bare feet, and sometimes on camel back. Our 11-day wisdom trail offers you a unique chance to leave all the stress of everyday western life behind you and find peace and quietness once again. Imagine yourself being a spice merchant, travelling through the desert to your next trading post. Experience the friendly hospitality of the Huweitat and the Mzanah, the Bedouin tribes who have lived in Wadi Rum for centuries. Enjoy the taste of their traditional Arabic meals. And read the inscriptions left behind as silent evidence of cultures gone. "Whoever walks the desert is no longer the person he was."
Day 1 Flight to Amman and transfer to your hotel in Petra, where you will have dinner and stay overnight.

Day 2 In the morning a local guide will escort you into Petra and show you the highlights of the Nabatean city. You will enter the city through the Siq, the narrow gorge and be rewarded with the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. You will also visit the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street.

In the afternoon you may wander around in Petra and explore the area for yourself. You may climb the stairs to the Monastery and admire the splendid view over the Wadi Araba. Or walk all the way up to the High Place of Sacrifice and see the obelisks which are believed to represent the most important Nabatean gods, Dushara and Al ‘Uzza. In the evening dinner will be prepared for you at a campfire in the prehistoric site of Little Petra, accompanied by traditional Jordanian folklore.

Day 3 - 10 Early in the morning you will be transferred to Wadi Rum by bus or jeep. You pass the seven pillars of wisdom, from which the world-famous book of Lawrence of Arabia derives its title. The Wisdom Trail will start from the visitor's centre. The program will offer you a great variety of activities in the open air.

On the first day you will hike through one of the famous canyons of the Wadi Rum area, the Wadi Umm Ishreen, Arabic for ‘mother of twenty'. By the way, ‘wadi' is the Arabic word for dry riverbed. You will see Lawrence of Arabia's house as well as Thamudic and Nabatean inscriptions made centuries ago. You will walk through an area with giant sand dunes. Your campsite will be at the base of Jabal Barrah.

On the next day you will cross the Barrah Gorge, a deep and narrow canyon stretching out for kilometres on end. In the campsite at the end of the canyon you can enjoy a well-deserved rest near the campfire.

On day 5 you will continue the hiking tour to Jabal Burdah and climb one of the famous rock bridges in Wadi Rum, sculpted into the sandstone rock by the wind and rain.

The Wisdom Trail continues to Siq Nanghrah and next to Umm Adaami, the highest mountain in Jordan (1830 meters). On the next day you will climb the mountain, a marvellous experience.

On day 8 you will walk to the red sand area, a place where you can contemplate the silence on top of the sky-high sand dunes, beautifully set against the eroded rocks.

The next day takes you to the Sunset Area to watch the crimson colours of the desert sunset and enjoy a traditional Bedouin dinner accompanied by traditional music and dancing.

On the last day you will hike back to the visitor's centre, from where the bus will take you to Amman. This last night you will have great opportunity to explore Jordan's capital, enjoy dinner in one of the many restaurants and visit some of the highlights of the city.

Day 11 You will be transferred to the airport and fly back home.

5 From the mountain to the valley

13-day nomadic nature tour of Jordan:
When thinking of Jordan, many of us associate it mainly with desert sands and the rose-red city of Petra. However Jordan has a lot more to offer. It abounds in natural beauty. There are a lot of places in Jordan where you can still merge with nature and have a true wilderness experience. You might wander about for days without meeting a soul, something you won't even dream of anymore in the crowded and busy western world.

This 13-day hiking tour offers you the undiscovered Jordan. It's an excellent opportunity to ‘walk slowly in this life' and be one with nature. Allow yourself to explore the country on foot, and you will enjoy the beautiful natural environment with ‘every move you make, every step you take'.

The trail will offer an endless variety of landscapes, ranging from the green mountains of Dana to the natural fountains and white sands of Wadi Araba. From the black basalt rocks near Ras Namalah to the prehistoric site of Little Petra. Nowadays many of the sites you will visit are sparsely inhabited by the local Bedouin tribes. But in the early days many of them were flourishing. The tour will show you some of the highlights of these cultures ancient and gone. And of course we will also show you some of the highlights of the Jordanian history.

Day 1 Flight to Amman and transfer to your hotel, where you will enjoy dinner and stay overnight.

Day 2 In the morning you will visit Madaba, which is world-famous for its Byzantine mosaics. You shall see the masterpiece: the map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The next stop will be Mount Nebo, where you will overlook the Promised Land. Just like Moses once did after travelling through the desert for forty years. And you will visit the remains of a church dating back to the sixth century.

From Mount Nebo you will hike all the way down to the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on earth. The Dead Sea is believed to have healing powers, because of the super salty water. Sodom and Gomorrah, the site where Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt, is believed to have been located close to the Dead Sea. Enjoy the afternoon floating around in the sea water, bathing in the sun, or undergo one of the relaxing mud treatments. Late in the afternoon the bus will transfer you to the Dana Nature Reserve where you will enjoy a traditional Arabic dinner and spend the night in an pastoral environment.

Day 3 - 6 This four-day hiking tour will lead you through the Dana Nature Reserve and the Wadi Araba, with destination the rose-red city of Petra. Dana Nature Reserve is a system of mountains and wadi's, dry riverbeds. The height drops dramatically over 1600 meters from the tops of the Rift Valley to the desert lowlands of Wadi Araba. This, combined with the compact variety of landforms, results in a very high biological diversity. Ranging from densely vegetated mountainous areas to the Rummana fountain. From white desert sands covered with fanciful acacia trees to small streams flanked by man-size oleander bushes.

From sky-high sand dunes to barren basalt or granite rocks. The area is also rich in archaeology and culture. Near Wadi Feinan you will visit the remains of the ancient capital of the Edomite kingdom. Feinan is a large area of copper mines. In ancient times these mines were among the largest in the world. You will also visit the ruins of the Roman water system and two early Christian churches. From Feinan one of the most beautiful off-roads in Jordan will take you to Beidha or Little Petra, which dates back to the Stone Age. Camping near Little Petra is a wonderful experience. It is almost like living in prehistoric times.

Day 7- 8 In a spectacularly way the hiking tour will reach its final destination: the Nabatean city of Petra. You will see the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. Other places you will visit are the Monastery, the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street.

The night is spent in one of the hotels of Wadi Mousa, the village next to Petra. You can spend the next day according to your own wishes. Perhaps you would like to explore Petra for yourself and see some more of the monumental buildings in the rose-red city. Or climb the stairs all the way up to the High Place of Sacrifice and see the obelisks believed to represent Dushara and Al ‘Uzza, the most important Nabatean gods. It is also possible to take a jeep tour to Aqaba by off-road. Or maybe you would just like to relax and enjoy a Turkish bath in the local hammam.

Day 9 - 10 Our jeeps will transfer you to Wadi Rum. You will pass the seven pillars of wisdom, described so vividly by Lawrence of Arabia. The next two days you will be hiking amidst the beauty of this unique and timeless place, where uniquely shaped massive mountains rise out of the rose-red desert sand. In the evening a traditional Bedouin dinner will be prepared for you at a campfire. The guide will show some of the most beautiful spots in Wadi Rum and the inscriptions written by the Thamudic and Nabatean people a long, long time ago. And you will climb the famous rock bridges. The trail will lead you to the red sand area to contemplate the silence, sitting on top of one of the sky-high sand dunes, beautifully set against the eroded rocks.

Day 11 - 12 In the morning you will be transferred to Aqaba by bus. Lying on the northern tip of the Red Sea, Aqaba is well-known for its beautiful coral reefs. You are free to spend the day according to your own wishes. Aqaba is an ideal location for scuba diving, snorkelling and other water sports. Or you might just relax and spend a good time at the beach or stroll around some of the traditional markets. Late afternoon you will be transferred to Amman. In the evening there will be ample opportunity to explore Jordan's capital, enjoy dinner in one of the many restaurants and visit some of the highlights.

Day 13  You will depart early for the airport and fly back home. 

6 A journey back in time

10-day horse-riding tour to Wadi Rum:
Riding on horseback will take you back to ancient times. To the era when salesmen and knights followed the Nabatean spice routes to their next post. Times when your wellbeing and survival depended on the wellbeing of your mount. In the desert of Wadi Rum the Bedouin people still live as they have been doing for centuries. They still wander through the desert looking for the best places to herd their sheep and goats, carrying their black tents with them wherever they go. We invite you to come along with us on a journey back in time. Apart from a six day horse-ride in Wadi Rum, you will also visit the rose-red city of Petra and other highlights of the Jordanian culture and history.

We expect you to be an experienced horseman, used to riding outdoors. The horses are mainly full-bred Arabic horses. The tour will be guided by expert Bedouin guides, who are familiar with the treks since childhood. We will cover approximately thirty to thirty five kilometres daily, depending on the territory. Jordan Beauty will provide all camping equipment and full board during camping days, as well as first aid and health care when needed. And of course the horses are well taken care of; a veterinarian will come along with the group.

Day 1 Flight to Amman and transfer to your hotel, where you will enjoy your dinner and stay overnight.

Day 2 In the morning you will visit the Islamic castle of Ajloun. Towering above the green forested hills the castle can be seen from miles away. Built by Saladin in 1184, it served as a military look-out until the fifteenth century. It's one of the best preserved examples of medieval Arab-Islamic military architecture. 

You will be taken by bus to Madaba, the city of mosaics. In the church of Saint George you will find the mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, which was found in 1884 when the church was rebuilt.

The journey will continue to Mount Nebo, to the place from where Moses first set eye on the Holy Land. You will also visit the Moses Memorial Church, which according to many scientists was built on top of Moses' tomb. Its floor and walls are decorated with beautiful mosaics.

At the end of the day you will be transferred to the campsite in Wadi Rum.

Day 3 - 8 Our Bedouin guides will lead your way across the vast and empty desert of Wadi Rum. You will be riding from campsite to campsite, enjoying different areas in the desert.

The first day will take you to Umm Salab mountain, near the northern end of Wadi Rum. The next day you will see the famous inscriptions, made by the Thamudic and Nabatean people centuries ago. You will camp near Jabal Burdah where you can climb one of the famous rock bridges, sculpted into the sandstone rock by the wind and rain.

On the third day the tour will continue to the far south of Wadi Rum, to Jordan's highest mountain Jabal Umm Adaami (1830 meters). From the top of the mountain you can see as far as Saudi Arabia.

On the fourth and fifth day the tour will continue to Al Ghuroub and to the sandy area of Al Ramel, where you can contemplate the silence, sitting on top of  the sky-high sand dunes.

On the last day you will ride back to the entrance of Wadi Rum, to the seven pillars of wisdom, from which the world-famous book of Lawrence of Arabia derives its title. Our bus will transfer you to Petra, where you will stay overnight.

Day 9 In the morning a local guide will escort you into Petra and show you the highlights of the Nabatean city. You will enter the city through the Siq, the narrow gorge and be rewarded with the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. You will visit the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street. 

In the afternoon there will be ample opportunity to explore Petra on your own. Perhaps you would like to climb the stairs to the Monastery or to the High Place of Sacrifice where you can see the obelisks believed to represent Dushara and Al ‘Uzza, the most important Nabatean gods.

In the evening you will be transferred to Amman, to enjoy your last night in Jordan.

Day 10 You will be transferred to the airport and fly back home.

7 To boldly to go where no man has gone before

10-day off-road challenge:
Did you ever watch the Land Rover G4 Challenge and dream about participating yourself? Jordan Beauty can make your dream come true. Our off-road challenge will make you jump over sky-high sand dunes and let you drive the most fabulous off-roads of Jordan. You will follow the dry riverbeds all the way up to the spring emerging from the rose-red mountains. Unless of course your way is blocked by the rocks, placed there by the spring floods. You will enjoy breathtaking views of the barren landscapes and imagine you will go where no man has gone before. This tour combines adventure with the highlights of the Jordanian history and nature.

Day 1 Flight to Amman, where your jeep will be awaiting you. You will drive to Amman to enjoy dinner and spend the night.

Day 2 After breakfast you will depart early for the Eastern Desert. The Romans were not deterred by the desert climate and built a chain of fortresses along the ‘limes arabicus', the frontiers of their new Arabic province. Most of the castles you can visit nowadays were built by the caliphs during the Ummayyad period. Some are decorated with fine mosaics, frescoes, stone and stucco carvings and illustrations. They stand as silent and impressive evidence of Jordan's rich history. Today you shall see three of the best-preserved desert castles.

Qasr al-Mushatta is the largest and most richly decorated Ummayyad castle in Jordan. It's a large, square fortress, surrounded by walls with circular towers on every side. Qusayr Amra is placed by Unesco on its World Heritage List. Its interior walls and ceilings are covered with lively frescoes and two of its rooms are paved with colourful mosaics. Qasr al-Azraq is built in black basalt and has been in continuous use since Roman times. During the Arab Revolt it functioned as the headquarters of Lawrence of Arabia.
At the end of the day you will drive to the Azraq Guesthouse and stay there overnight.

Day 3 You will depart early for Madaba, the city of mosaics. In the church of Saint George you will find the famous mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The journey will continue to Mount Nebo, where like Moses you will be able to overlook the Holy Land and the Dead Sea. The Moses Memorial Church on top of the hill contains some beautiful mosaics. Finally you will drive to Hammamat Ma'in, which offers the possibility to relax in one of the many hot springs. You will stay here overnight. The hotel offers a wide variety of services, such as aroma-massages and mud wraps with herbal essences.

Day 4 A beautiful off-road takes you to Wadi Mujib, the grand canyon of Jordan. Your adventure tour along the river will take you through deep canyons and pools, where you can swim and enjoy the spectacular scenery and wildlife. At the end of the day you will arrive in Karak, where you will stay overnight. You are free to spend the evening according to your own wishes.

Day 5 Before leaving Karak you will visit the castle where Saladin and Richard Lionheart fought during the crusades. After visiting the castle you will drive to Wadi ibn Hammad, one of the most beautiful nature spots in Jordan where you can hike through the canyon and enjoy the colourful cliffs and palm trees. Your journey will continue to Numeira, which was a large walled town during the early Bronze Age. Numeira is believed to be the location of the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. From there you will drive to Wadi Hasa, the valley that formed the natural border between the kingdoms of Moab and Edom centuries ago. You will jump over the sky-high sand dunes of Wadi Araba. The best off-road of Jordan will take you to Ras Namalah, the 1000 meters high peak in the Rift mountains.

At the end of this road Petra will be awaiting you, glorious as ever. Here you will stay overnight.

Day 6 On this day the off-roads near Petra and Wadi Dana will be explored. Dana Nature Reserve is a system of mountains and wadi's, dry riverbeds. The height drops dramatically over 1600 meters from the tops of the Rift Valley to the desert lowlands of Wadi Araba. This, combined with the compact variety of landforms, results in a very high biological diversity, ranging from densely vegetated mountainous areas to the Rummana fountain. From white desert sands covered with fanciful acacia trees to small streams flanked by man-size oleander bushes. From sky-high sand dunes to barren basalt or granite rocks. In the afternoon you will visit Beidha or Little Petra, which dates back to the Stone Age. In the evening a traditional Bedouin dinner will be prepared for you near the campfire.

Day 7 On this day a local guide will escort you into Petra and show you the highlights of the Nabatean city. Entering the city through the Siq, the narrow gorge, you will be rewarded with the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. You will visit the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street. You can climb the stairs to the Monastery or to the High Place of Sacrifice to see the obelisks believed to represent Dushara and Al ‘Uzza, the most important Nabatean gods. In the evening dinner will be served in your hotel in Petra.

Day 8 The journey will continue to Wadi Rum, mainly by off-roads. You will enjoy driving through the vast and empty places in the wilderness. And have the feeling to boldly go where no man has gone before. At the end of the day you will pass the seven pillars of wisdom, described so vividly by Lawrence of Arabia. The sign that you will have reached your next destination: Wadi Rum. You will spend the night in a traditional Bedouin camp, the moon and stars shining brightly above your head.

Day 9 This day is dedicated to the beauty of Wadi Rum, a unique and timeless place where uniquely shaped massive mountains rise out of the rose-red desert sand. You will explore Wadi Rum escorted by a Bedouin guide, visit Lawrence of Arabia's house and see the inscriptions written by the Thamudic and Nabatean people a long, long time ago. If you like you can even climb the famous rock bridges. The trail will lead you to the red sand area to contemplate the silence, sitting on top of one of the sky-high sand dunes. In the evening a traditional Bedouin dinner will be prepared for you at a campfire.

Day 10 You will drive back to the airport and fly back home.
8 The tour of Jordan

11-day cycling tour:
If you like to explore new horizons and meet with the Jordanian culture, our cycling tour is the ideal way to accomplish this. Our cycling tour offers you a way to experience your stay in Jordan with more intensity. You will see more of the amazing landscapes, the traditional villages you pass through. You will feel one with nature when the sun burns your skin and the wind blows through your hair.

This 11-day cycling tour is suitable for experienced cyclists. Jordan Beauty expects you to bring your own bicycle, since it is best to ride on a bicycle you are used to. The daily distances vary from about fifty up to a hundred kilometres, depending on the landscapes you ride through. A bicycle repairman and a following car will accompany the group.
Day 1 Flight to Amman and transfer to Azraq Guesthouse for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2 Your cycling tour will start with a visit of Qasr al-Azraq. This Islamic castle was built in black basalt and has been in continuous use since Roman times. During the Arab revolt it functioned as the headquarters of Lawrence of Arabia. You will cycle in the beautiful scenery of the Azraq Oasis and the Shaumari Nature Reserve. The Shaumari Nature Reserve is set up as a breeding centre for endangered or locally extinct wildlife. With a bit of luck you can see the oryxes, ostriches and gazelles.  You will have dinner in the Azraq guesthouse and spend the night there.

Day 3 An early rise, because today you will have to cover a large distance: from Azraq to Jordan's capital Amman. Along the way you will visit some of the famous Ummayyad desert castles. The Romans were not deterred by the desert climate and built a chain of fortresses along the ‘limes arabicus', the frontiers of their new Arabic province. Most of the castles you can see nowadays, were built by the caliphs during the Ummayyad period. Some are beautifully decorated with fine mosaics, frescoes, stone and stucco carvings and illustrations. The desert castles stand as silent and impressive evidence of Jordan's rich history. At the end of the day our bus will transfer you to Amman, where you will have dinner and spend the night.

Day 4 After yesterday's challenging journey today's trip will be more relaxing. Cycling downhill to Madaba, the city of mosaics you will visit the church of Saint George where you can find the famous mosaic map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The journey will continue to Mount Nebo, where like Moses you will be able to overlook the Holy Land and the Dead Sea. The Moses Memorial Church contains some beautiful mosaics. You continue to your hotel near the Dead Sea where you will have plenty of time to relax. Enjoy the afternoon floating around in the sea water and bathing in the sun, or undergo one of the relaxing mud treatments.

Day 5 You will continue your cycling tour southwards along the Dead Sea Road. If you like to be challenged you can cycle over the uphill winding zigzag road from Kharazah to Karak. If you don't like to climb, the bus will transfer you to Karak to meet the group and visit the castle where Saladin and Richard Lionheart fought their battles during the crusades. You will walk inside old, dark corridors, halls, kitchens and soldiers' rooms. The bus will transfer you to Petra where you will enjoy your dinner and spend the night.

Day 6 In the morning a local guide will escort you into Petra and show you the highlights of the Nabatean city. Entering the city through the Siq, the narrow gorge, you will be rewarded with the most astonishing and dramatic monument in Jordan: the Treasury. You will visit the theatre, the tombs and façades and the colonnaded street. In the afternoon there will be ample opportunity to explore Petra on your own. You may climb the stairs to the Monastery or to the High Place of Sacrifice to see the obelisks believed to represent Dushara and Al ‘Uzza, the most important Nabatean gods.
In the evening a traditional Bedouin dinner will be prepared for you near the campfire in Little Petra.

Day 7 On this day you will cycle downhill to Wadi Araba along Nakeb Masaouda, a very impressive off-road which served as a Nabatean trade route in ancient times. You will see David Roberts' Rock, which is especially interesting for those who are interested in geomorphology. The Scottish artist David Roberts came to Petra in 1839. He is famous for his collection of lithographs of Petra and the Holy Land. One of these drawings of the monuments near Petra features a watch tower which in the early days was used to control the trade routes. Nowadays the local people call this spot Roberts' Rock. Camp will be put up near this historic site.

Day 8 You will continue to cycle down to the Dead Sea road. The tour will lead you through the beautiful volcanic mountains, grown with holly oaks and juniper bushes. Further on down the road you can admire the beautiful empty desert landscape of Wadi Araba. Your final destination will be the Red Sea port Aqaba.

Day 9 This is a day to relax after the strenuous days of cycling. You are free to spend the day according to your own wishes. Suggestions: swim in the Red Sea and sunbathe on the sandy beaches. Or go diving accompanied by the local instructors or rent snorkelling equipment, and watch the unique, colourful life in the clear water of the coral reefs.
In the evening you can take a walk in the city and enjoy the taste of the traditional Arabic food.

Day 10 Our bus will transfer you to Wadi Rum. You will pass the seven pillars of wisdom, described so vividly by Lawrence of Arabia. Our guide will show you Lawrence of Arabia's house and the inscriptions made by the Thamudic and Nabatean people a long, long time ago. If you like you can even climb one of the famous rock bridges. At the end of the day our bus will transfer you to Amman, where you can spend the evening wandering about in downtown Amman.

Day 11You will be transferred to the airport and you fly back home.
9 A tale of two canyons

9-day canyon adventure:
If you like adventure and loads of water, this 9-day canyon adventure is your ideal tour. This opportunity is available for a selected number of travellers only, as the entrance to the canyons is limited. The canyons of Wadi Zarqa and Wadi ibn Hammad are indisputably the most beautiful nature spots of Jordan. Hiking through the canyons requires not only a good physical condition, but also the need to be challenged by difficult circumstances. This program can also be booked during the very hot summer since you will always be close to water. Apart from the canyons there will be a visit to the natural springs of Hammamat Ma'in, the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. This tour combines adventure with a visit of the historical highlights of Jordan.
12-day round trip to Jordan and Egypt:
During this 12-day round trip you will see the highlights of the historical and cultural heritage of Jordan and Egypt. You will visit Jerash, Petra and the mosaics of Madaba, the monastery of Sainte Catherine in the Sinai, the pyramids of Gizeh and the dead mask of Tutankhamen. You will also have ample opportunity to enjoy the beautiful nature of both countries: the hot springs at Hammamat Ma'in, the beautiful landscapes along the King's Highway, Wadi Rum, the Red Sea and the Sinai.
Jordan Beauty Tours would love to share with you their enthusiasm and passion for the country. Therefore they have filled their website with a lot of additional information about Jordan and their programs. You can find more information about the company, attractions and tours at the following address: www.jordanbeauty.com .

Jordan Beauty Tours hope that their programs will inspire you to compose your personal tour to Jordan. If you are interested in their possibilities for business and incentive programs, group tours or individual tours, please contact them for an offer on the following address:

Contact details:
Manager: Mr. Yousef Hasanat
Jordan - Petra - Wadi Mousa
Company: Jordan Beauty Tours
Location: Tourist St. near Movenpick Hotel
Address: P.O.Box: 008, Jordan
Tel/Fax: 0096232154999
Mobile: 0096277282730
Email: yousifl77@hotmail.com, yousifl77@yahoo.com

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