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Exotic Tribes
Be a responsible traveller. Show tribal people respect and meet them on their premises. Visiting people with a different lifestyle and culture could sometimes be a very rewarding adventure, but be aware of that many tribal communities are extremely vulnerable to outside influences. All tribal people need to be protected from tourists in order to preserve their unique lifestyle and cultures. Travellers should understand that some tribes would like to live undisturbed, and that visit would be an intrusion.

Dancing Choopy with the Lor nomads – Iran – Persia – See the video clip of the world’s most brutal dance!

Some of the ethnic groups in Iran are Persians, Arabs, Kurds, Azaris, Gilakis & Mazandaranis, Baluchis, Turkmens, Bakhtiaris and Ghashghais. In July 2004 I took my way high up in the Zagros Mountains. Here I met a group from the Lor nomads. When I approached their camp I heard someone fired a gun, but it was nothing to worry about. The men in the camp were just preparing a wedding, and wanted to great me in their own way. I was welcomed with open arms and soon I was in the middle of a big event. The music started. So the men become in mood for real action, and they challenged me in a dance I never have experienced before, the ferocious Choopy dance…..
More than 300,000 nomads still roam the plains and mountain pastures. Lors represent about 2% of the population, and are thought to be part Persian and part Arab in origin. They are probably a mix of the Kasits, who came to Iran for several thousand years ago, and the Medes.

Many Lors still live in black goat hair tents and are nomads. They move in search of water and food for themselves and their animals.

Video clip
Click on the link for seeing the dramatic dancing from my visit of the Lors: Lor Choopy dance .

This video clip is from the movie TREKKING THROUGH THE LAND OF THE IRANIAN NOMADS!

Sometimes I make some video clips from the movies. I make them as own stories. Sometimes I just like to show the feelings, passion and action in the movies and video clips. Other times I want to express a deeper meaning with it. In these occasions I am more conscious about what I will achieve with the films.


Order tours here  for unique adventures in Iran

Tour operators in Iran are welcome to contact us in Travel Explorations for more information about how we can attract travellers to you.

We build agent network, run e-mail campaigns, write articles, presentation of your company in both English and Norwegian, advertising etc. Some advertises will be supported by inspiring articles about real adventures. 
You can contact us on stein@travelexplorations.com.

My main mission is to inspire other people to explore the world and make friendship with other people. It's just what a called an unique adventure. This video clip of the Lors display how hospitable some people can be. It's the same with other nomadic groups as the Bakhtiaris and the Qashqai. Regarding Iranian people in general, I can not think of a more friendly and hospitable people. For they who consider to go there, can just check out Lonely Planet and other information sources, and they will understand that I tell the truth.

Read more about wonderful adventures in Iran on our website.

Stein Morten Lund, 8 October 2005

Additional information
See our video clip of dancing Choopy with the Qashqai nomads in Iran: Qashqai Choopy dance .

Coming up video clip with the Bakhtiaris nomards in Iran.

During my tour in Iran in July 2004, I become so inspired by the country's unique wonders and rich culture. It was diverse, vibrant and magical. The greatest wonder of them all was the people. For me it was obvious: with such kindness and hospitality, Iranian people and culture never fails to win the hearts of them who visit the country.

When I started to make the documentary movie about the nomads in Iran, this vision stood clear for me. I visited three nomadic groups during my tour in Iran: Bakhtiyaris (Bactrians), Luri (Lor) and Qashqai. I became so fascinated by their heart and soul that I got a special feeling for them, and this is my story expressed through a movie. Based on my own experiences I called the movie: TREKKING THROUGH THE LAND OF THE IRANIAN NOMADS!

The Choopy dance it`s not really a fight. Dancing shown in the video clip, the dancers show each other respect and enjoy being together. When it`s a competion, it can turn to be a fight and attenders can be seriously wonded. Both the wood sticks can be heavy. The biggest one is 1 to 1,5 metre, and being hit by this stick, it could be quite painful. Anyway attenders are not suppose to use this one to hit, but just for defence. Another rule is that it`s not allowed to hit the competitor above the knee. When the dances turnes pretty wild, the dancers forget this sometimes! Read more about the Choopy dance on our website www.TravelExplorations.com.

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