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Ukraine vs Nazis - The football Death Match Second World War - Victory


The video clip is a trailer from the movie VICTORY (1981). It`s based on a true story from the Second World War in Ukraine.

The movie was directed by John Huston.

Many famous soccer players and movie stars acted in the movie. Starring Michael Caine, Pelé, Bobby Moore, Osvaldo Ardiles, Paul Van Himst, Co Prins, Max Von Sydow and Sylvester Stallone.

According to Wikipedia, the Death Match was the Soviet propaganda name for a non-official association football match in 1942 between employees of a local industrial bakery — former professional footballers from Dynamo Kyiv and Lokomotyv Kyiv - and soldiers of the Nazi Wehrmacht.

In few weeks, FC Start (Football Club Start) was formed, comprising eight players from Dynamo (Mykola Trusevych, Mikhail Svyridovskiy, Mykola Korotkykh, Oleksiy Klimenko, Fedir Tyutchev, Mikhail Putistin, Ivan Kuzmenko, Makar Goncharenko) and three players from Lokomotiv Kiev (Vladimir Balakin, Vasil Sukharev and Mikhail Melnyk).

The Kievan footballers defeated the Germans, and according to the players on 18th August, ten of the players were sent to a German concentration camp. Six later escaped and four were killed.

It`s something to bear in mind when EURO 2012 for national teams in football starts today in Ukraine and Poland.

Stein Morten Lund, 8th June 2012.

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