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The Republic of Finland is one of the Nordic countries. The country is inhabited of people with unique charm and guts that themself are a genuine tourist attraction.

Sauna rituales in the deep forest in Finland!

There is a time you really feel free. It`s when you enjoy sauna deep in a dense forest in Finland. Here are some rituals for achieving the best out of the sauna. It`s best to do it the Finnish way!
sauna,finland,summer, cottage,forest,wildlife

Photo. A Finnish summer cottage deep in the forest far north in Finland - including sauna of course. © Travel Explorations.

Actually this cottage is located near the town of Taivalkoski, in the Northern Ostrobothnia region, Finland, Soumi. Here you can achieve real adventures in the wild forest! In this region I have spend my summertime during several years reloading my batteries and enjoying the wild nature. There in the deep forest I found a true peace and silence. I have also experienced the magic of sunset. Actual it`s the midnight sun. In Taivalkoski I don`t have to think about time. I am really feel I am living!

Finns have a unique contact with nature. Sauna is one of the important links to that nature, which is a very healthy both regarding physically, mentally and spiritually. To the Finns, sauna has special meaning, a spiritual connection through the peace within a sauna and the natural world around them. The purpose of throwing water on the rocks is not to create a steam environment within the sauna; it is for the enjoyment of its transitory effects which result in longer lasting feeling of well-being.

Sunset changes each time. It`s never the same, and I find it exciting to oberseve how the sunset turns every evening when it`s possible regarding the wheather.

Photo. Blue sunset in the evening deep in the forest at a secret place far north in Finland. A wonderful moment for sauna, night swimming and cold beer.

Summer time is really nice in Finland. © Travel Explorations.


Here I can hear the silence and bath naked in a small lake undisturbed. That`s the Finnish way. One has to redefine the concept of time. This is a place where time slows and where I can rest after a several months with hard work. It`s so good getting away from the stress and do everything at my own pace.

Another favourite ritual is to jump into a cold if not an icy lake after the sauna session. This is a great way of cooling down after the hot sauna. Finns bad naked in the sauna and it’s common to take the cooling swim also naked.

Families bath often together and mix-saunas are not either uncommon. Swimming “Löyly” is a very central term in sauna bathing. It basically means throwing water to the hot stones that then release hot steam vapour. Special pails and ladles are used in the sauna to throw löyly. Since good manners are important in the sauna the pail and ladle is mastered by the host, the oldest or most experienced sauna bather. The person with the pail and ladle will control the löyly and monitor the sauna bathing.

Photo. Sauna santas. They are protecting you against overheating and guide you in personal plesaure and healing.
© Travel Explorations.
sauna,santa,santa claus,finland,soumi

The most famous sauna communicator was former president Urho Kekkonen, who brought his American and communist counterparts and foreign ministers to the sauna, and it is said he would not let them out until a deal had been hammered out. He was famous for holding sensitive foreign policy discussions with Soviet leaders in the relaxed and private environment of his estate's sauna.

Staying in the dense forest, the sauna is the only safe place to hide from the bloodthirsty mosquitos. With around 85 degrees Celcius or hotter the mosquitos stay away and wait for you outside. So when I step outside I speed up down to the lake so the mosquitos don`t got a chance to suck my blood.

Stein Morten Lund, 30 October 2011

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