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How to learn about Finland by using ChatGTP

Today I had a conversation with ChatGTP about Finland - the country I have been to so many times and love so well. It was time to challenge myself about how much do I really know about my favourite country. My aim was to learn more about Finland in an interactive and engaging way. Nature, culture,history and more. By using a crafting prompt, I learned step by step. For each lesson I answered a quiz with five questions.


Photo. My favorite country Finland - reindeer and happy people. 

Further more, my answers got reviewed and correct answers were explained. In the end I got a summary.  

I find it interesting to learn how to use ChatGPT to build interactive course activities and gamify online learning experiences for coaching and training. It`s many ways to testing it out. In my case I used the RTF-formula - Role, Task, Format - for creating a powerful prompt.

Based on a crafted prompt, I started by identifying the topics or areas I would like to focus on. In this case I choose “Finland included nature, culture and history", and then I used ChatGPT to generate content and questions related to this topic.

The first lesson started with a Lesson 1: Introduction to Finland's Geography and Natural Beauty. Objective: Learn about Finland's unique geography and natural landscapes, which form the foundation for understanding its culture and history.

Overview: Finland, located in Northern Europe, is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including thousands of lakes, dense forests, and the famous Northern Lights. The country's geography has significantly influenced its cultural and historical development, shaping the way of life for its people.

Quiz: after each lesson, I had the option of moving on to the next lesson or doing a quiz.

The prompt I used easily leaded me from step by step through Finland. This prompt can also be used on other subjects, teaching you whatever you want to learn, whenever you want to learn it. And it will go at your pace and recap as often as you like.

Each time ChatGPT is prompted with a question, it generates a response based on the training data, rather than retaining information from previous interactions. There's no self-supervised learning happening with ChatGPT.

This example is how you can learn to supercharge your learning with these game-changing ChatGPT prompts. Simplify complex information, create a study plan, memorize key information, apply your knowledge, compare and contrast concepts, learn from and summarize long texts. These prompts can help you save time, expand your knowledge, and enhance your learning experience.

Stein Morten Lund, 10th August 2024

Additional information
Example generated from ChatGTP on 10th August 2024: 
“Finland, located in Northern Europe, is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including thousands of lakes, dense forests, and the famous Northern Lights. The country's geography has significantly influenced its cultural and historical development, shaping the way of life for its people”.

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