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Here we present great opportunities for experiencing one of the world`s last wilderness, Norway. Read about how you can wander around in the country`s breathtaking nature and enjoy a wide range of outdoors activities that really turn you on!

Rondane Mountain Range seen from Kvamsfjellet in Norway

Kvamsfjellet,rondane,mountains, Norway

Admiring the Rondane Mountain Range, observed from Rondaplassen at Kvamsfjellet mountain on Saturday afternoon 24th May 2014. I never get tired looking at this majestic mountain range. Set in a spectacular scenery, the ten peaks above are 2,000 metres with the highest being Rondslottet at an altitude of 2,178 metres above sea level.

Rondane lies just to the east of the Gudbrandsdalen Valley in Norway, also called in Peer Gynt`s Kingdom based on Henrik Ibsen`s world famous novel "Peer Gynt". Located in Rondane National Park, which is an important habitat for herds of wild reindeer. Exploring and trekking here in the wilderness is a magnificent experience at any time of the year.

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Norwegian cottages with Rondane Mountain Range in the background.

In the centre of Gudbrandsdalen valley, between Lillehammer and Vinstra in the southeast of Norway, you find the kingdom of Ibsens legendary Norse folk hero Peer Gynt. A magnificent area of natural beauty where Peer Gynt found tranquility and inspiration and which inspired many of his fantasies. Peer Gynt may well have been a boaster and a dreamer, but a visit to Peer Gynt's Kingdom will convince You that Peer had good reason to boast of his kingdom.
Rondane - Norway's first National Park. The focal point of the national park is the massive Rondane mountains itself, considered by many to be the most spectacular mountain range in Norway! With the mountains of Rondane as the backdrop, you set out daily on a series of fantastic walking tours through magnificent, family-friendly country.

Go nice day trips in Peer Gynt`s Kingdom with the mountain ranges Jotunheimen, Rondane and Dovre as a backdrops

Climbing the Rondane peaks around Rondvassbu.
The cabin Rondvassbu is a good starting point for trekking to other cabins and for reaching the peaks. The cabin is owned by Den norske turistforening, DNT - Norwegian Trekking Association. Here you can select several tracks to the mountains in the area. Rondvassbu is situated in the middle of several peaks over 2000 m. Many use cabin or tent as a base camps for day excursions. Because of the altitude there is almost no vegetation in this area and it could be quite cold also in the summer time. The autoumn colours in Rondane are especially beautiful. From Mysuseter is it about 12 km walk to Rondvassbu.

Stein Morten Lund, 24th May 2014

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