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Oulu, Finland - Magic midnight sun turned me on

Oulu, Finland - Magic midnight sun turned me on

Tried to make most out of it during these extra hours of light. Partying under the midnight sun in Finland is like standing in the spotlight on a scene. Everybody standing out in the night are shining and the magic light are really turning them on. 

Photo. Partying and soumi rokkia under the red glowing midnight sun really turned me really on. 

In the summer the sun never really sets on the best days, and the party life is not stop. Winter days may be short and cold in Finland, but summer is a whole other story. With its northern location, Finland enjoys long summer days when the sun never really sets. This Finnish phenomena is known as a polar day or nightless night. In the most northern parts of Finland, north of the Arctic Circle, the sun will not set at all for several months, while in southern parts of the country, the sun is visible for 24 hours a day only during the months of June and July. 

Since nights during the Finnish summer are almost as light as day, you can party all night long under a beautiful golden glow stretched across the horizon. When nights are almost as light as day it is possible to do all the same things that you would do during the day. The greatest difference comes from the incredible change in the nature of the light. The sun takes on a reddish-yellow colour – almost like during sunrise or sunset – and everything around you is bathed in an unimaginably warm, bright light.

A nocturnal swim and sauna are a definite must under the Midnight Sun. Lakes and sea waters warm up from June onwards. Swimming under the Midnight Sun is one of Finland’s most magical summer experiences. The Midnight Sun extends your day with those extra hours you keep hoping for in your daily life. Make use of it and go hiking, canoeing, fishing or play a round of golf in the wee hours.

Stein Morten Lund, July 2022

The Oulu Region:
Here are urban culture and beautiful nature are entwined together. Both mountain and seaside landscapes are present, and therefore there is plenty to see and to do: climbing on the southernmost fells of Finland in Syöte, exploring the exotic nature shaped by the ice age in Rokua Geopark, or kayaking on the Bothnian Bay. Exciting activities, a variety of accommodations, and a genuine atmosphere are guaranteed!

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