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Here we present great opportunities for experiencing one of the world`s last wilderness, Norway. Read about how you can wander around in the country`s breathtaking nature and enjoy a wide range of outdoors activities that really turn you on!

Youth for Red Cross incl. Voe - En Stjerne Skinner i Natt. Hear and watch this beautiful Christmas song!

This Video is part of Give Your Live - a music festival for human rights. It is part of the "Involve Yourself" human rights campaign. Show your support by giving your face.

Photo. Christmas day in Norway.

Youth for Red Cross incl. Voe - En Stjerne Skinner i Natt. Involve Yourself. This Video is part of Give Your Live - a music festival for human rights. Hear and watch the beautiful song on YouTube: Norwegian Christmas song

«En stjerne skinner i natt» is a Norwegian Christmas song from 1992 written by Eyvind Skeie, and the melody is composed by Tore W. Aas. The title of the song in English is "A star is shining tonight".

Artist: Youth for Red Cross incl. Voe
Song: En Stjerne Skinner i Natt
The singers are: Emilie "Voe" Nereng, Christoffer M. Furuheim, Ragnhild Harket, Leif Inge "Lopez" Fosen, Hilde Smistad and Silje Marlen Kristiansen.

As the website for the campaign "Involve Yourself" writes: "There are more than a billion people in the world for whom basic human rights are light years away. Our planet contains enough resources to secure a life of dignity for all of us. Time has come for us to take action".

Involve Yourself is a human rights-campaign led by five Norwegian organizations: Norwegian Red Cross Youth; the Norwegian Refugee Council; PRESS - Save the Children Youth Norway; Changemaker; and Norwegian People's Aid Youth.

Please visit www.involveyourself.com to get your face launched into space!

Stein Morten Lund, 13 December 2009

Support Red Cross here: Støtt Røde Kors her: http://itunes.apple.com/no/...

En stjerne skinner i natt (E. Skeie, Tore Aas) Vokal: Emilie "Voe" Nereng Christoffer M. Furuheim Ragnhild Harket Leif Inge "Lopez" Fosen Hilde...
Støtt Røde Kors her: http://itunes.apple.com/no/album/en-s...

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