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Wildlife photo gallery - Living my life taking photos around the world

The planet is still alive, according to Marie-France Grenouillet, a French wildlife photographer. She has travelled around the world since 1979 taking photos. As Marie-France says about her mission: I want my photos to make people dream and then help to protect the wonderful wildlife in the world.

Photo. Marie-France Grenouillet, a Frence wildlife photographer. See her fantastic wild life photo gallery on her website.

Marie-France calls herself a Gipsy on the Roads. She was born in Normandy in France and spent her childhood in a village with one dream: to discover the world. By time her dream become true. She got the opportunity to travel, exploring the world and learn languages. From that moment, she spent all her free time and all her money to live out her dream.

I have travelled for more than 30 years...First, one time a year and then 2 times and then 3 - 4 times...I could nearly say that it is has become an addiction, says Marie-France.

Here is an example of one of Marie-France`s photos:

Trekking in Africa`s  jungle meeting amazing creatures.

Gorilla in Uganda.
© Marie-France Grenouillet


See more photos from her photo gallery here.

So, with the birth of digital, I choose a more sophisticated camera to come with me on the roads, I felt then with happiness that I had the world in my bag. Taking photos means a lot of patience and time which I accepted with pleasure, she tells. My camera taught me how to look around more carefully to observe the daily beautiful details of life and overall “she” allows me to translate my emotions in front of nature & wildlife!  Pictures show what words cannot translate precisely and help us to keep an authentic memory of the past, they are a faithful witness when souvenirs become with time just sepia tone memories!

For more information about Marie-France Grenouillet and to watch her beautiful photos, see her website.

Stein Morten Lund, 18th June 2012

Additional information
Explaination of the word "sepia": according to Marie-France, it is a photographic tone used to recreate old pictures; sometimes, the pictures are so old that they have lost their colour. They are not white and black, just brown and faded by the sun and the time...

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