The law of the jungle: the strongest win and can claim their rights, with or without justice. It is always a question about life or death. In this kind of world there is no mercy! Finally we saw a brutal kill! The first animal we spotted one morning was a big flock with Gnus. They look like mix of a horse and cow. A gnu is a perfect prey for a hungry lion.
The next animal we observed was a flock with 5 lions. They were well hidden in the high grass and behind some bushes waiting for the right moment to catch a meal. Further behind we saw a lonely hyena, probably the most ugly animal I ever have seen on the savannah. We made ourselves invisible. This is the animals' kingdom (territory), and with our respect for them, we wouldn't disturb them.
Photo: A hungry lion looks for breakfast.
A gnu was the perfect morning breakfast for the lions.
It was a tense atmosphere. The hyena howled. The gnus were thirsty, but in spite of this they moved carefully towards a big waterhole. Since they hesitated sometimes they probably knew that there was a threat in the air. They looked suspicious around.
Everything turned to silence. Now we knew that something would happen. Suddenly 5 big lions jumped out from their hiding places behind the bush and attacked directly. The gnus ran desperate in different directions. It was full panic. Few seconds later one of the gnus was caught.
The lions` paws, with claws extended, reached out for the poor animal. The lions throw themselves over the prey and roared wildly. After the kill the lions brought the prey to their resting place. The hyena tried to steal a part of the prey, but become chased away. Even the vultures had to wait before they could eat their breakfast. The lions eating was something for it self. I have to admit: I have seen better manners by the breakfast table!
Photos: At the photos below you see how a lion prepares a poor Zebra for breakfest.
After the breakfast was finished the lions approached the gnus again, but this time the gnus were more aware of the treat. In addition I think the lions were too heavy after the big meal. Our experience on the savannahs felt unreal. For people who are used to see lions in zoo nothing can compare with this.
The nature and wildlife in Africa is incredible. Just let the animals stay in piece, and watch the things happening. So hurry up, go before it is too late. Krüger National is definitely one place you should visit. It is wild, wild, wild!
Stein Morten Lund, 20 July 2000
Additional information
Read more about the lions and other animals on our site.
Read about the lions` incredible sex life.