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View photos of the West Papua's lost world - discovery of unknown area and species in the Indonesian jungle!

This area, which is covered by pristine tropical forest, is now considered as Papua`s Garden of Eden. There is no sign of human impact or presence. An international team of scientists reports that they have found dozens of new species of plants and animals in the dense jungle in West Papua - Indonesia, also known as Iran Jaya. One of the discoveries is a new large mammal, the golden-mantled tree kangaroo - Dendrolagus pulcherrimus. The team was organised by the US-based organisation Conservation International, together with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.
Photo. Image of jungle for illustration. © Travel Explorations.

The research group, with participants from the US, Indonesia and Australia , trekked through an area in the mist-shrouded Foja Mountains, located just north of the vast Mamberamo Basin of north-western in New Guinea. Members from two local tribes joined the research group. None of them had been there before. The area was described as "beautiful, untouched, unpopulated forest". There was absolute no traces of human activity.  

According to BBC`s website (www.BBC.com), researchers have recorded butterflies, frogs, and a series of remarkable plants that included five new palms and a giant rhododendron flower. The survey also found a honeyeater bird that was previously unknown to science.

Click on the link for viewing photos of Papua`s lost world: Photos main discoveries.

So far the survey has just been a "scratch of the surface". The team will return later this year for exploring more of the area.

Stein Morten Lund, 7 February 2006.

Additional information
West Papua is one of the world`s last frontiers. West Papua covers the western half of the large island well known as New Guinea. This part of the island belongs to Indonesia, and borders on the Moluccas in the West, and Papua New Guinea in the East and Australia in the South. West Papua is officially known as Irian Jaya. No less than 85% of the island is covered by rainforest, much if it primary and untouched by humans.

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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