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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Two women crossed Antarctic - Part 2

Finally after 97 days and 2860 kilometres two women, Liv Arnesen and Anne Bancroft, crossed the Antarctic.
These two Pole traveller's aim was to cross the Antarctic within in 100 days with a big wind sail and on ski.Now their dream is become true. They were the first women who crossed the Antarctic. It was the world's longest ski tour ever for women.

Their inspiration source, was Alfred Lansins` book "Endurance", about Sir Ernest Shackleton`s legendary attempt to cross Antarctic. It was their youth dream to cross the Antarctic, and 30 years later they finally did it.

They intend to demonstrate for others what it is possible to accomplish with hard work. As they say: our message is that everyone should fulfil their dream. We would like to show that people could create their own life and take responsibility for it (according to Aftenposten 19th March 2001).

Photo. The two women on their frostbite expedition. These women have real guts. As they say in Norway: "women with bone in their nose" (photo from their website www.yourexpedition.com).

Liv Arnesen (47) is from Norway, and Ann Bancroft is from US. They arrived in good shape the McMurdo Base on Ross Ice Shelf in the Ross Ocean the 11th February this year. They are still good friends despite their strong efforts and living so tight together for so long time.

They would like to cooperate further on developing an education programme for children, which has earlier been a great success in 115 countries. They also work with courses and presentations about motivation. They have already started to plan new expeditions.

These women have real guts, and I am sure will hear more from them in the furure!

Stein Morten Lund, 28 March 2001

Additional information

For more information about the mentioned expedition, see the link above. http://www.yourexpedition.com/
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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