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Twitter - A useful tool for travellers!

How to Travel with Twitter? This is the title on an article recently published on National Geographic`s website. According to the author is the popular micro-blogging site is a handy tool for world roamers. Find out how you can use Twitter in the best way when you are travelling.
Twitter,useful tool,internet,National Geographic

Photo. Twitter`s starting page displayed on a PC screen. © Travel Explorations.

Tips for travelling with Twitter. The article advise you about:
- how to find information about destination
- how to find the deals
- how to update your Twitter feed while travelling
- and more

Read more in the article on National Geographic`s website: Travel with Twitter

Stein Morten Lund, 14 September 2009

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Get inspired by reading stories from tours, expeditions and discoveries on our global travelguide Travel Explorations: www.TravelExplorations.com

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