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The Global Travel Guide For Genuine Adventurers!

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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Travel Explorations inspires and helps your travel into unique adventures

As a global travel guide we in Travel Explorations have a clear mission: Each article and news report intend to inspire our readers to explore and experience off beaten tracks around the world. By lively travel tales, amazing photos and exciting video clips from regions in the Amazon, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania - Kilimanjaro, Peru, Iran, Jordan and other wonderful places, we visualize great opportunities for unique adventures. Provided with practical tips, our aim is to reduce travellers risk and enrich their journeys. We also know many of the best tour operators who can really make your travelling into something special. The world is bigger than you think!
Photo. Indians in the wild Amazon jungle - on the Brazilian side. Photo Copyright: Per Henriksen - Reiseliv - www.Reiseliv.no.

Take a long step out to the globe`s last frontiers. Discovery something new on your travelling - avoid the tourist traps and see if you can find new and untouched places to experience on our global travel guide: www.TravelExplorations.com.

Get inspiration, advise and discuss with our readers, who also have strong passion for travelling: mail your request to our FORUM - discussion - Travel Explorations.

Or you are also welcome to contact us for advise on e-mail: stein@travelexplorations.com.

For some travellers it may change their way of travelling in the future!

Stein Morten Lund, 23 November 2005

Additional information
For the second time within a year, Travel Explorations was covered in the top news on the world famous website Explorersweb as CNN work with.

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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