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Travel adventure highlights on Travel Explorations in 2006!

In this article you find extract from stories and selected photos from exciting journeys during 2006. Our freelance journalists around the world have the ability to tell stories that make it interesting for others to read. Their journeys are about unique adventures, dramatic, explorations, discoveries, breaking of records, ventures and meeting of nice people with different lifestyle and culture than themselves. Here are our highlights from 2006......

Our photos are not intended to be for decoration. We put strong efforts to tell amazing stories and inspire through photos. They should be associated with the stories and give them extra punch. It isn’t easy to catch the right moments, but sometimes we are able to publish photos in travel tales and articles which tells more than thousands words.

Sometimes the photos stand for its own, and sometimes we can tell stories directly out from the photos. We have also caught some big moments with our video camera.

Our highlights in 2006 are:

Tears for Diwali - India 
I was in Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, city of 1000-year-old temples adorned with all the erotic positions of the Kama Sutra. The temples were rediscovered by a British explorer in the early 19th century after languishing forgotten in the jungle for centuries, and now tourists flock here.

This story is written by Joe Gill from England.

Exploring a Haunted Castle, Finavon in Scotland!
What is it like to stay in a haunted castle? There are rumours that Finavon castle on the grounds of our self-catering lodging is haunted. Before arriving in Scotland, I read various histories of the castle on paranormal websites describing activities there. The stories did not deter my family and I from our trip. In some ways it added a sense of intrigue and mystery to our travel there.

This story is written by Jeffrey Murrah from USA.

Malta`s unsolved ancient mystery - the cart ruts near the Dingli Cliffs!
Since I read the world famous Swiss scientist and adventurer Erich Von Danicken`s fantasyful theories about the cart ruts at the highland in Malta, I have been obsessed of these strange parallel tracks. They look like rail road lines, which have been carved out from soft limestone rocks. The tracks were made for over 5000 years ago. Up to this day the cart ruts have remained an unsolved enigma to all scientists who tried to explain their purpose and function. Several hypotheses have been suggested, but no completely theory has been made and common accepted. All theories are based on assumptions and limited evidence. By observing and walking in these criss cross of parallel grooves, it gave me a hard puzzle to solve.

This story is written by Stein Morten Lund from Norway.

The Crimean Peace!
Tatar palaces, Turkish fortresses, magic stalactite caves, lush sub-tropical mountains, miles and miles of beaches, mellow coastal climate… Sounds like Russia?

This story is written by Alex Welsh from Spain.

These articles and photos are taken by our excellent freelance journalists. In the new year we are committed to continue publishing amazing stories from journeys around the world. The world is bigger than you think! You just have to open your eyes more and venture some few steps further!

HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR 2007! A year when hopes and dreams will come true!

Stein Morten Lund, 31 December 2006

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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