Photo. Heavy
backpack. Each of the expedition members pulls a manhauling pulkas weighting
between 65 and 75 kilo. © Cecilie Skog`s website:
This group is leaded by Inge Meløy, who has leaded a number of
Greenland crossing expeditions. Inge also works for Hvitserk-Eventyrreiser.
Other members are Norwegians Asbjørn Hjertenes, Jann Ivar Didriksen, Hanne Marit
Normann, and British Simon Streater.
Hvitserk ( is a pioneering tour
operator in Norway with clients first and foremost from their home country, but
also from other countries. Their expeditions to the South Pole in 2005 is
Norway`s first on commercial basis. It means that these tours has been organised
by a tour operator for paying participants.
This company arranges at the moment two Antarctic expeditions
who have started at the same time but some distance apart from each other,
skiing between 910 and 960 km to the South Pole. One group consists of 5 people, and the other
of 6 people. Both have succeeded to reach the South Pole
unsupported, through a new route from the 82nd degree.
Referred from their expedition`s website "We will fly from
Punta Arenas in Chile to Patriot Hills," the team reports. "From here we will be
flown further in a Twin Otter until we find a suitable landing area on the
Ronnie-Fleichner Ice Shelf near the Foundation Ice Stream and on the 82nd degree
of latitude. We are two groups who will start at the same time but some distance
apart from each other."
The first group who reached the South Pole recently, was leaded by Rolf
Bae. The six-member group includes Rolf`s girlfriend Cecilie Skog, Germans
Roland Krueger, Rolf Dieter Seel, and Austrian Wolfgang Melchior.
The race to be the first expedition to reach the Pole was eventually won
by Roald Amundsen when he planted the Norwegian flag at the South Pole on 14th
December 1911.
Stein Morten Lund, 2 January 2005
Additional information
The team`s expedition website
Cecilie Skog`s website:
The organiser of
the two expeditions to the South Pole, the tour operator Hvitserk:
Mount Vinson is one of the Seven Summits. It's the tallest mountain in
Antarctic and one of the 7 summits (
Report in Norwegian:
I snart en måned har de vært
på vei mot målet etter å ha fulgt en helt ny rute inn til Sydpolpunktet. Nå
står Mount Vinson for tur før de returnerer til Norge i slutten av januar.
Fjellet er det høyeste i Antarktis og for Cecilie blir dette det sjette av
7-summits (
Travel Explorations har tidligere dekke hennes klatreekspedisjoner på K2 og
Mount Everest. Les mer om Cecilie Skog og hennes bragder på
Man kan også følge nåværende ekspedisjon i Antarktis på
Cecilie`s Blogg på websiden til den norske nasjonale avisen
Pressekontakt for Cecilie hjemme i Norge er Bjørn Sekkesæter.
For de som ønsker å komme i kontakt med Cecilie kan enten
- skrive en mail
til eller
- ringe +47 480 12 723