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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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The Norwegian K2005 Expedition gave up due to extreme weather

The brave Norwegians gave everything, but with 30 knop strong wind on the top, heavy snow fall and 30 degrees below zero, they had no chance to reach the top.

Since the weather forcast for the coming weeks was far away from proming, they had to give up. The money for financing the expedition also ran out.

Anyway they demonstrated good courage and wise actions in everything they did.
Photo. Øystein (Oystein) on his way down with equipment. Copyright © www.K2005.no 2005.

They have been in Pakistan since 20 May (2005). After two days with bad weater, the members decided to call it off. So they had to return to Base Camp due to the heavy snowfall and coming heavy wind, according to the report on their website.

They managed to reached two of their three goals. In addition to attemp reaching the top, their other goals were:

  • Returning back home alive
  • Become better friends during the expedition

The Norwegians keep their good mood up. Today they have invitied some friends for celebrating a birthday party at the Base Camp.

Stein Morten Lund, 9 August 2005

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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