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The future of e-tourism - Get useful advise from Lonely Planet`s presentation!

Where are Lonely Planet going? Get useful advise from this travelguide`s presentation Travel and Social Media - The Lonely Planet Story from 2009. New technologies are going faster, Web 2.0, and Mobile Media Global connectivity trends are important Evolution and opportunities in e- tourism. How do you use social media to reach people? It`s all about what Lonely Planet call the future of e-tourism.
According to Lonely Planet`s presentation, its vision is to inspire and enable travellers to connect with the world and each other. Lonely Planet has definitely the resources to take advance of new technologi and aspects about using it. In October 2007, BBC Worldwide acquired a 75% stake in Lonely Planet. Lonely Planet aims to significantly increase its reach and recognise its mission in delivering content across different platforms relevant to today’s travellers. 20.Little overlap between content and social networking sites Content sites currently provide: Community sites currently provide: • Guidebook content • User generated travel content only • Articles and information on travel (WAYN, BootsnAll, Yelp), in which some destinations (Guardian Travel) destinations are weak on content • Ability to customize travel guides (DK • Ability to share photos, videos and Encounter) stories with fellow travelers • User generated content through blogs • Facebook’s applications are generally Existing content sites provide limited socialcontent free (Frommers), podcasts and review and or community tools, while social networkingguidebook form provide differentiated, quality, reliable content, but this is rate, or in players don’t (Wikitravel) • Limited community opportunities already beginning to change Key players are expanding their offerings Trip Advisor has user generated content, social networking functionality, as well as links to quality content providers for guidebook information. Travelpod and Facebook. Hostelworld upgraded their site to provide additional community functionality.
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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