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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Rune Gjeldnes is has now started a new historical attempt on an expedition: crossing the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica without re-supplies!

The expedition is called the Longest March. The Norwegian Rune Gjeldnes` aim is to become the first person in the world to cross the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica without re-supplies. Børge Ousland - Borge Ousland, who is also from Norway, was the first to do it, but he did it with re-supplies. Rune is 34 year, and still eager to set new records. He will the coming 3 months be alone in the ice landscape. With 500 songs in his MP3 player, he finds inspiration to walk the whole distance reaching circa 4600 kilometres.

Rune Gjeldnes on an earlier expedition.
© SEAL Adventure ANS & Rune Gjeldnes: Extreme Planet - Seal .

If successful, it will be a world distance record, approximately 800 km longer than the previous skiing expedition record, according to his website SEAL Adventure ANS: Extreme Planet - Seal.

It's not the first time Rune set out on unusual and extreme journeys. Rune and his team was the first person to set their feet in the disreputable Devils Cave on an expedition in 2001 in the Amazon jungle, Venezuela.

As the first expedition ever, Rune and Torry Larsen crossed successfully the Arctic Ocean in 2000 without any outside help.

Photo. Rune Gjeldnes keeps his good mood even the most extreme efforts on his expeditions.

© SEAL Adventure ANS & Rune Gjeldnes: Extreme Planet - Seal.

On the Merevari Expedition 1998, he and his team successfully took their way in canoe at the upper part of the Merevari River, Venezuela. Rune has also many other incredible expeditions on his record.

Photo. Rune has just landed in Antarctic 3rd November 2005. Here he stands together with the pilots.

Rune stayed his first night in Antarctica in a tent, and he did his final preparations for started up the Longest March.
© SEAL Adventure ANS & Rune Gjeldnes: Extreme Planet - Seal .

If he makes it unsupported to cross the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica, he will set another world record. And this will also make him as one of the greatest living adventurers in our time.

Stein Morten Lund, 5 November 2005

Additional information
For getting the last news from Rune's expedition, click on the link: Extreme Planet - Seal.

Read more about his expeditions on his website: www.extreme-planet.com.

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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