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Here we present great opportunities for experiencing one of the world`s last wilderness, Norway. Read about how you can wander around in the country`s breathtaking nature and enjoy a wide range of outdoors activities that really turn you on!

PREDATOR X video premieres 29 March at 8 PM 2009 - Watch the trailer now on History Channel!

The video covers one of the most amazing underwater finds in modern history. On the remote archipelago of Svalbard in Norway, just 800 miles from the North Pole, a team of paleontologists from the University of Oslo Natural History Museum, made recently a remarkable discovery: they dubbed it Predator X.
Pliosaur,Atlantic,Zoo,PREDATOR X,Svaldbard

Photo. 45 ton Pliosaur attacking a Plesiosaur (Ill.: Atlantic Productions). Tyrannosaurus Rex is like a puppy dog compared with Pliosaur.

Based on information from the press release 17 March 2009  from the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo (website: www.nhm.uio.no), it`s a new species of pliosaur, an apex predator that patrolled the Jurassic oceans 147 million years ago.

The scientists first hit the headlines in August 2007, when they excavated the skeleton of another pliosaur specimen in the same locality. On the last day of the 2007 expedition, Dr. Hurum spotted large bones in the earth. The team placed a marker, took a GPS reading and returned the following summer to excavate. Little did they realize that this new fossil would be even bigger and more significant than the pliosaur they had discovered the year before.

New scientific research reveals that Predator X was approximately 50ft long, weighed in at 45 tons and packed an amazing 33,000lb bite. Its anatomy, physiology and hunting strategy all point to it being the ultimate predator - the most dangerous creature to patrol the Earth's oceans.

It wouldn`t be nice to meet a creature like this on a swimming. This monster is many times more danger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex and weight five times the weight of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Pliosaur is the ultimate predator!

Look back in the ancient history. How was life for over 100 millions years ago? Read more about the coming show on History Channel website (History.com) and watch the trailer: Predator X on video

This is the story of a major discovery--what appears to be an entirely new species--of a massive and powerful predator. The History Channel website; 2009 [cited 2009 March 18].
Available from: http://www.history.com/content/predatorx/predator-x-videos

Stein Morten Lund, 18 March 2009

Additional information
History Channel (History.com) offers also The Prehistoric Collection: From Dinosaurs to the Dawn of Man on DVD. It`s possible to book this DVD set throught History Channel`s website.

Read more about amazing discoveries and expeditions on our global travelguide Travel Explorations - www.TravelExplorations.com

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