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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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Plans for a new Kon-Tiki expedition based on the Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl`s famous journey!

A group prepares a new Kon-Tiki expedition called the Tangaroa Expedition. Five Norwegians, one Swede and a parrot are ready for the big venture. They plan to set off again from Peru next year in a copy of Thor Heyerdahl's raft Kon-Tiki.

Photo. The famous Kon-Tiki Raft in the Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo, Norway.

Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki expedition will be re-created next year. On a new balsa wood raft Torgeir Sæverud Higraff (expedition leader), Olav Heyerdahl, Inge Meløy, Anders Berg and Dag Oppen-Berntsen plan to sail in Thor Heyerdahl`s "footprints" in the Pacific Ocean. They expect to leave from
Lima on 28 April and reach land in Polynesia 101 days later.

They are calling their venture "The Tangaroa Expedition" after a Polynesian god of the sea, and their focus will be on environmental issues.


The voyage is expected to cost more than 860 000 dollar (750 000 EURO), with support from sponsors and private individuals (according to the Norwegian national newspaper Aftenposten, 7 September 2004 - www.Aftenposten.no).


The new expedition is timed to take place during Norway's centennial celebrations, marking 100 years since the country broke out of a forced union with Sweden in 1905.


Heyerdahl first made his famed 8,000-kilometer trip across the Pacific in 1947 and thus proved it was possible to cross an ocean on rafts made of reeds. Based on this he also claimed that people from different continents have been in contact in the past, and that the ocean was not an obstacle for them. One of Heyerdahl's grandchildren, Olav, is among the crew. He will be responsible for building and repairing the raft.


We in Travel Explorations look forward to follow the Tangaroa Expedition! It couldn't be a better way to memorize an incredible person as Thor Heyerdahl from Norway. He was a real citizen of the world and a great adventurer!


Stein Morten Lund, 13 September 2004


Additional information


The Kon-Tiki Expedition:

The balsa wood raft Kon-Tiki was built as a copy of a prehistoric South American vessel. A crew of six men sailed the raft from Callao in Peru the 28th of April 1947 and landed on the island of Raroia in Polynesia after 101 days.


Thor Heyerdahl:
Also called Sir Kon-Tiki and the Citizen of the World. He passed away quietly in his home in
Italy the 18 of April 2002, at an age of 87. As one of the most famous Norwegians ever, he has accomplished many different things in his life, but his name will always be closely connected to the Kon-Tiki voyage and the archaeological investigations on Easter Island (Rapa Nui) and East Polynesia.


The Kon-Tiki Museum in Norway:

This museum is located in Oslo, the capital in Norway. It's one of the most popular tourist's attractions in Norway. The full name of museum is The Kon-Tiki Museum Institute for Pacific Archaeology and Cultural History. It houses original vessels and objects from Thor Heyerdahl's world famous expeditions: The Kon-Tiki raft, the papyrus boat Ra II, Easter Island statues and a model of Tigris.



Photo. One of many mysterious statues found on the Eastern Island in Pacific displayed in the Kon-Tiki Museum .


Could these statues really walk?


Thor Heyerdahl become world famous for his investigations on this island. He was always eager to solve big mysterious from the past.


In addition the museum also has a film room and activities for children.


The Kon-Tiki Museum website contains information about these research projects:

  • Easter Island
  • Tucume, Peru
  • Christmas Island
  • The Maldives
  • Pulemelei, Samoa
  • The Oceania Project

Direction: take Bus no. 30 from Oslo centre to Bygdøy in the winter. In the summer it`s also possible to take the ferry from the Oslo City Hall.


For more information about the museum click on the link: www.kon-tiki.no


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