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Music & Dance
Here we present reviews of the most exciting traditional music and dance.

Oceania - exotic Maori music

Different, spiritual, emotional and beautiful
Oceania is the first international release of Maori music. The CD Oceania is one of many ethnic inspired CDs that have become available on the market over the last years (as example Enigma). Trough this album the Maori show their best skill to attract attention about their unique culture and history, and this wonderful music deserves to be acquired all over the world.

The album is actually about what happens when Maori culture, the music and traditions of New Zealand's native people comes in conflict with the modern world. In that way it explains why the music on Oceania is so well mixed by traditional and modern music (pop/rock). From the first tones I become hypnotic by the spiritual and energetic streams.

The Maori know their history. Their ancestors crossed Te Moana Nui A Kiwa (the great ocean of Kiwa-known today as the Pacific Ocean). In big flocks they rode on the waves in outrigger canoes from central Polynesia of the islands of Rangiatea and Hawaiki. A new happy life started for them in New Zealand, for a while, until the British arrived.

Photo: Cover from the Oceania album (1999)

The whole CD is built upon a certain theme (story). Both the lyrics and sounds have strong symbolic meanings. All of these images give an interesting insight of a tragic history where British colonists almost ruined their culture. In the background you can hear Maori traditional rhythmical and harmonic shouting and singing. One highlight is the song Hautoa (Warrior).

Both the original version and the so called beatmasters 7" mix version will lead your though far away, and maybe cause dreams about a paradise with beautiful green forests, scenic lakes, rivers, waterfalls, villages, mountains and sea.

The paradise is just where the Maori live today, Aotearoa, "Land of the Long White Cloud", New Zealand. This is the homeland of an ancient Polynesian people, the Maori, who have a rich and diverse cultural heritage. The song title Hautoa means "courageous warrior", and refers here to female leadership. The banjo used on the track represents the influence of the European settlers, and the Ipahui (Maori drum) heard on Hautoa represents resistance.

Another higlight is Haere RA (Farewell). In Maori culture this however has a much deeper meaning than the literal translation. A true love song. Here you will be strongly touched by an emotional fiddle play that probably will make you weep, and when Hinewehi Mohi raise her sensual voice you probably start to shiver too.

Typical Maori instruments such as the Paphu (drum), Putorino (flute), Hue (gourd; kind of flute), Pukea (trumpet), Koauau (flute), and Putaara (conch; kind of trumpet), make the unique sound on the album. You can read more about the instruments on the albums cover if you are interested. This is not an album of typical traditional music, but it is inspired from Maori culture. As the producer Jaz Coleman says, "This is not a sampled album.

It's a written album we wrote a played all the instruments on it with the help of the best master musicians of the Mario. I'm the only Westerner, part from string players and programmers, who actually played on the album, all the rest is done by the Maori hands".

This album was a real relief to hear. For they who are tired of hip-hop, disco and synth rock, or what ever they called it, this album is definitely an alternative. Revitalisation of the Maori culture and music is done with great enthusiasm. Thank you Maori for being so generous of your music. You gave from your heart! Oceania is quite different, spiritual, strongly emotional and incredible beautiful. Highly recommended for romantic evenings. I guarantee success!

Stein Morten Lund, 3 September 2000
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