Photo. Santa Claus ready to hand out gifts. © Travel Explorations.
On NORAD`s website you can follow Santa as he travel around the world! Here you can check out the most recent sighting and view video clips. Is it not amazing? Perhaps you can meet Santa on your way?
Santa Claus is known by many names, but his first recorded name was Saint Nicholas. Historians claim that the history of Santa starts with the tradition of Saint Nicholas, a 4th Century Christian priest who lived in the Middle East in an area of present day Turkey. Saint Nicholas became famous throughout the world for his kindness in giving gifts to others who were less fortunate. After that the legend of Santa Claus spread, and he become world famous.
NORAD uses four high-tech systems to track Santa - radar, satellites, Santa Cams and jet fighter aircraft. Detecting Santa all starts with the NORAD radar system called the North Warning System. This powerful radar system has 47 installations strung across the northern border of North America. NORAD makes a point of checking the radar closely for indications of Santa Claus leaving the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Click on the link tor tracking Santa Claus: Norad - track Santa.
NORAD was created by a 1958 agreement between Canada and the United States. NORAD's mission has evolved over the years to meet the aerospace defense needs of Canada and the United States. For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa.
NORAD carried out its first Santa tracking in 1958 after inheriting the tradition from CONAD. Since that time, Canadian and American men and women, who work at NORAD, have responded to phone calls from children personally. According to information on NORAD`s website, this website was visited last year by millions of people who wanted to know Santa`s location. The information is provided in six languages.
Stein Morten Lund, 28 December 2006