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Here we present great opportunities for experiencing one of the world`s last wilderness, Norway. Read about how you can wander around in the country`s breathtaking nature and enjoy a wide range of outdoors activities that really turn you on!

New search for the Norwegian Polar hero Roald Amundsen!

The Royal Norwegian Navy announced Monday 23 February 2009 that Norway plans to renew search for the South Pole conqueror Roald Amundsen's plane. It`s 81 years after it vanished during an Arctic rescue mission.
Roald Amundsen,NorwayPhoto. "Taking an observation at the pole". In: "The South Pole", by Roald Amundsen, 1872-1928. P. 112, Volume II, Library Call Number M82.1/99 A529s. Image ID: libr0352, Treasures of the NOAA Library Collection. Photographer: Archival Photograph by Mr. Steve Nicklas, NOS, NGS. From: http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/htmls/libr0352.htm (700 px x 479 px)

In June 1928 France supplied Amundsen with a plane, the "Latham", to search for the missing Italian Umberto Nobile. The plane disappeared during the rescue operation, claiming the lives of Amundsen and crew.

The world famous explorer Roald Amundsen (1872-1928) was born in Borge, near Sarpsborg in Norway.

On 14 December in 1911 Amundsen won the race to the South Pole. Earlier he had discovered the Northwest Passage with his ship Gjoea - Gjøa - in 1906.

A plywood board found in 1964 may be the piece that solves the puzzle of polar the Roald Amundsen's disappearance in 1928. In 2003 a naval map was found in a boat-house in Balsfjord. This paper showed an exact position of where fishermen found what was believed to be a major piece of Amundsen's plane wreckage in 1933, and revived the search for the explorer. Norway's Fisheries Minister Svein Ludvigsen wanted then to renew the search for the vanished adventurer.

Will Amundsen's final resting place ever be found and the mystery about what really happened finally be solved?

The project includes the Navy, the Norwegian Air Force Museum and specialist companies. New clues and new technology, including a remote-controlled submarine, will be used in the search.

Stein Morten Lund, 24 February 2009
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