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New amazing discoveries in the Nazca Desert in Peru.

Nazca geoglyphs in Peru

Archaeologists have used artificial intelligence (AI) to find 303 previously unknown giant symbols carved in this desert. Some of the most interesting geoglyphs are bizarre humanoid figures, decapitated heads, domesticated animals, whales, birds, cats and ancient human ceremonies.

Photo. Nazca geoglyphs. Image credit: Sakai et al.

Archaeologists leveraged an AI model trained to spot the unclear outlines of the ancient geoglyphs (Source: The journal PNAS, Monday 23rd September 2024). 

The model identifies lines 20 times quicker than humans. It generates a list of potential new Nazca Lines for researchers to investigate, including in areas where no such markings had been discovered before. 

It incredible to see how much has changed since my visit there for over 20 years ago. At that time, it was likely believed that most of the major discoveries had already been made, especially not at this current scale. With AI and advanced satellite imagery, the potential for uncovering even more geoglyphs has expanded dramatically, revealing just how much there still is to learn about these ancient landscapes.

Took a breathtaking flight over the amazing Nazca Lines - observed huge, strange drawings and geometrical shapes. The purpose of the Nazca Lines in Peru remains a mystery. There is no definitive explanation, but various theories have been proposed by researchers, historians, and archaeologists over the years. Some of them are: astronomical and calendrical use, religious or ceremonial purposes, pathways for religious processions, water and irrigation symbolism, artistic or cultural expression, alien or extraterrestrial influence, or could it be something else? How was the Nazca Lines constructed? Their enigmatic nature continues to fascinate both scholars and travellers. 

These new finds reveal a richer tapestry of the ancient culture that created them, sparking further curiosity and wonder about their purpose. It’s fascinating how every new geoglyph discovered seems to both answer questions about the past and open up entirely new ones. The ancient story indeed feels more alive, while the enigma deepens - wondering what inspired such large-scale art and how much more is still hidden beneath the sands.

Stein Morten Lund
October 2024

Additional information
The Nazca lines are a group of geoglyphs made in the soil of the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. They were created between 500 BC and 500 AD by people making depressions or shallow incisions in the desert floor, removing pebbles and leaving different-colored dirt exposed (source: Wikipedia).

AI-accelerated Nazca survey nearly doubles the number of known figurative geoglyphs and sheds light on their purpose (The journal PNAS).

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