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More Norwegians on Cho Oyu - Nepal - Will they make it to the top?

The Norwegian expedition is called "Shishapangma Ekspedisjonen 2004". One from the team, Mikjel Thorsrud (22) is now attempting to reach the summit on his own as his team members are packing up camp.

There are now only 4 French and two Norwegian tents left in Camp 1.

"I am so eager as a dog", Mikjel says, ready for his second and last attempt.....
Photo. Norwegians climbing Cho Oyu (from the Norwegian expedition`s website - www.himalaya.no).

At the moment the wind is getting colder. It's autumn now. Mikjel looks optimistic at his opportunity on his last attempt to the top, but he is beware of that going solo have its restrictions, but he look forward to try again.

Mikjel will sure get the mountain to himself. Yesterday he met a Russian lady climber coming down from the hill, he tried to get some words out of her but she was so exhausted that she couldn't speak. She has probably used their tent further down.

Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain in the world and one of the 14 mountains reaching over 8000 metres. It`s located a short distance to the west from Everest (the highest) and Lhotse (the fourth highest) in the Khumbu region of Eastern Nepal along the Tibetan border. Its towering peak stands with Everest well above the surrounding mountains.

Photo. Mikjel Thorsrud (22) is not giving up reaching the top of Cho Oyu.

Now is doing another attempt solo. His team members are waiting for him in in Camp 1.

He is responsible for the logistics in the Norwegian team.

The Tibetian name of this mountain is "Turquoise Goddess". It became first reached in 19 October in 1954 by the Austrians Herbert Tichy, Sepp Jochler og Pasang Dava Lama. It became a familiar landmark to climbers ascending Everest's north face. Just west of Cho Oyu is the Nangpa La, a 19,000-foot glacier pass, the main trade route between the Khumbu Sherpas and Tibet. Cho Oyu's proximity to the Nangpa La has earned it the distinction among some climbers as being the easiest 8,000 meter peak.

Photo. The Norwegians are camping on Cho Oyu.

Facts about Cho Oyo: 
Elevation: 26,906 feet - 8,201 metres.
Location Khumbu - Himalaya - Nepal/ Tibet.

According to rest of Mikjel`s team members, they are packing og resting little bit before the descending. They all look forward to arrange a big Smalahove party when they come back to their home in Norway (hard drinking and eating the sheap`s head - typical Viking food).

Good luck Mikjel! You have really guts. Don`t take any big risks, and we look forward to hear more from you and your other Norwegian team members.

Stein Morten Lund, 8 October 2004

Additional information

The photos in this article are from the Norwegian expedition`s website - www.himalaya.no.

Read more about the expedition on their website www.himalaya.no.

Read about the crazy Norwegians who descended Cho Oyo on ski recently on our website.

Information in norwegian:
Den Norske Cho Oyu - Shishapangma Ekspedisjonen 2004 er en ekspedisjon med 5 glade gutter fra Norge som skal opp på to høye fjell i Himalaya. Via et trekkingbyrå i Katmandu (Nepal) blir alle tillatelser ordnet og de siste innkjøp blir gjort. De transporterer oss så til Tibet der vi begynner akklimatiseringen og klatringen.

Klikk på linken for mer informasjon om denne ekspedisjonen: www.himalaya.no.

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