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Here we present great opportunities for experiencing one of the world`s last wilderness, Norway. Read about how you can wander around in the country`s breathtaking nature and enjoy a wide range of outdoors activities that really turn you on!

Kvamsfjellet, Kvam, Norway - Happy Easter in the snow Eldorado!

Celebrating Easter 2012 couldn`t be better enjoing skiing at Kvamsfjellet, Kvam mountain, Gudbrandsdalen, in Norway. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. At Kvamsfjellet, people go cross country skiing on trails through a varied landscape ranging from gentle mountain terrain to old pine forests.
Kvamsfjellet,Kvam mountain,Norway,Easter

Photo. Easter break on Kvamsfjellet, Kvam mountain, 4th April 2012. © Vigdis Lund Eineteig.

The photo is taken at Kvamsfjellet. In the background you can view the sun is lighting up the snow capped peaks at Rondane mountain range. This beautiful montain range is located in Rondane National Park, which become the first national park in Norway. Its has high peaks and varied, wild and beautifull nature.

Norwegian Easter traditions is about socialising and partying, but most of the time Norwegians enjoy outdoor activites. The most popular is skiing high up in the wild mountains. Many people like to take a skiing picnic. They bring with them Kvikk Lunch chocolate, orange fruite, societies, bread, tea and coffe, and find a comfortable place to rest and organise a barbeque party. After long skiing tours, they like to play Yathzee and cards, solve crime mysteries in books and television series. And of course partying!!!

Norwegians decorate their cottages with yellow chicken figurines, drawings, etc. Chickens and eggs are the usual symbols of a Norwegian Easter. The egg symbolises rebirth and the chicken has been a symbol of fertility since ancient times. Yellow is the most traditional colour of Norwegian Easter.

Fastelavensboller, (bread buns) are popular to make in the Easter. They are traditionally boller with butter and sugar.

The Easter Bunny or Easter Rabbit brings Easter eggs filled with candies to the children. Usually it leaves a message with a description of where the eggs are hided, and then the children start to search in eagerly for the eggs. After eating all the candies in the eggs, the children get a sugar kick and behaves like crazy.

The whole montain region, Kvamsfjellet, is a Eldorado for snowy activities, where skiing tours, sledging and ice fishing in the natural beauty are the main activities. It`s also very social skiing from cabin to cabin saying hello to nice locals and sometimes be invited in for a talk and serving. All these offer skiers here unique experiences.

Happy Easter from Kvamsfjellet, Norway.

Stein Morten Lund, 4th April 2012

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