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K2 - The Norwegian K2 Expedition is approaching the top of the K2 mountain from the Pakistan side - see video clips!

The ascending has so far been succesful. Rolf, Cecilie and Trym advanced up to Camp 2 on 23 June (day 36). On their way they picked up all equipment on Camp 1.2 and brought it up. Sigurd and Øystein stayed in Camp 1 for further acclimatization on this level.

Sigurd on his way up the mountain. Copyright © www.K2005.no 2005.

The six members of the team are: Rolf Bae - Leader - Cho Oyu in 2003, Ms. Cecilie Skog - Cho Oyu in 2003, Everest in 2004, Trym Saeland, Oystein Stangeland, Sigurd Felde, and Per Henry Knutsen, who is the manager for the Base Camp.

Today, Friday 24 June, the 3 climbers in Camp 2 will try to climb further up and the two in Camp 1 will catch up with the others. The weather is reported by the expedition members as still sunny and nice (see their website www.K2005.no ).

On Wednesday 22nd June all the 5 members of the climbing team arrived in Camp 1.1 on 5900 meters. Their plan was to stay on the mountain for four days, establish Camp 2 on 6450 meters and hopefully move further up towards the 7000-border. All members are in good shape, but it has been hard work.

One 21st June three of the expedition-members were live on Norwegian Television. You can see and hear the interview at their site: LIVE-FROM K2 BC on Norwegian TV2! Click on the link: www.K2005.no .

Stein Morten Lund, 24 June 2005

Additional information
Follow us in Travel Explorations as we will follow the Norwegian K2 Expedition - whole the way to the top!

Follow the Norwegian K2005 Expedition on the expedition`s official website: click on the link for getting updated news in English: K2 News in English.
You can also get the news direct in your mailbox! Please send a mail to bjorn@K2005.no.

Read about Cecilie Skog`s great adventures on some of the highest and wildest mountaints in the world on her website www.CecilieSkog.com.

Spokesman in Norway is Bjørn Sekkesæter. You can reach him on:
Cellular: +47 480 12 723
Email: bjorn@k2005.no

You can follow her and her team members on the website below!

For Norwegians - følg Cecilie til toppen av K2:
Nå kan du følge med Cecilie & Co til toppen av K2. Cecilie er en av 5 klatrere i en 6-manns-ekspedisjon som denne våren skal prøve å bestige det 8611 meter høye K2. Du kan også bli sponsor.

Gi de en hjelpende hånd for å nå toppen, og vær med å bidra til en historisk norsk bragd!

K2 er verdens nest høyeste fjell men regnes som det vanskeligste å bestige. For å følge Cecilie & Co se www.K2005.no.

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