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Judas was no traitor - The Bible history has to be rewritten due to discovery of the Gospel of Judas!

The discovery of the Coptic written papyruses manuscripts were annonced 6 April 2006 at National Geographic Society headquarters in Washington, D.C. National Geographic News is part of the National Geographic Society. Some biblical scholars consider the Gospel of Judas as the most significant archaeological discovery in 60 years. The only known surviving copy of the gospel was found in a codex, or ancient book, that dates back to the third or fourth century A.D. It tells another story than in the Bible: Jesus was not betrayed by Judas!
Photo. Believed to be Jesus burial site in Isreal. © Travel Explorations.

According to National Geographic`s website, the newly revealed gospel document, written in Coptic script, is thought to be a translation of the original, a Greek text written by an early Christian sect sometime before A.D. 180.

Judas Iscariot is one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. Based on the Bible's New Testament Gospels, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, he is portayed as a traitor. Judas hands Jesus Christ over to his opponents, who later crucify the founder of Christianity.

But the newly found the Gospel of Judas, portrays him as acting at Jesus' request. So actually Judas was only obeying his master's wishes instead of betraying Jesus with a kiss.

After being lost for nearly 1,700 years, the Gospel of Judas was in fragile condition. It was recently restored, authenticated, and translated. Read the articles and the full story of the document's discovery and authentication on National Geographic`s website: National Geographic - Judas document.

Stein Morten Lund, 9 April 2006

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