Photo. Polar bears at Svalbard, Norway. ©
Stian Jørgensen og Trym Ivar Bergsmo, Norway.
The travel industry on the North Kalott ("Nordkalotten" - northern part
of Norway) has for a long time been eager exploits the opportunities the
winter climate gives. In January next year the winter cities are going to meet to show
that many cities in the winter season are great tourist attractions.
wish to create a meeting place where companies in the travel industry
can get new ideas and collect experiences from many practical cases
where others have succeeded, says the Manager of WCE
Secretariat Svein Kristiansen in the organisation Winter
Cities Europe.
Svalbard is a natural place for an international
conference in January 2005. Local supporters are Longyearbyen Lokalstyre,
Svalbard Samfunnsdrift AS, Svalbard Reiseliv AS, Reiselivsbedriftenes
Photo. Longyearbyen - the main city on
Svalbard. ©
Stian Jørgensen og Trym Ivar Bergsmo, Norway.
During the arrangement it will be 15 presentations from Norway, Sweden,
Finland (Soumi) and Japan.
The speakers are going to contribute with their experiences
within areas as winter extreme sport, northern light tourism, dog sledging, infrastructure for
winter sport, snow- and ice festivals, and promotion of winter activities.
Sapporo in Japan will present the world's biggest winter festival with 2
million visitors, but also Kiruna has much to contribute with after several
years with local celebration of the winter.
Various activities for real adventours
There are
a great number of small winter festivals in all countries with winter climate.
Activities in one of the world's last frontiers For they who join this
conference, will be able to participate in several great activities on Svalbard:
Cave tours under the Longyear glacier
Visiting to a coal mine
Hiking in the polar night
Polar Night Safaris - a (snowmobile) light in the
Dog sledding excursions
Visiting Russian and Ukrainian
Cultural and historic Sightseeing
Tent-tours deep in the
polar nights
According to the website
Svalbard Net, you can experience on Svalbard a new universe in the ice caves
under the glaciers, you can strengthen employees' team spirit with a visit to a
coal mine, you can enjoy the spectacular landscape by taking a trip led by
dog-teams or by snowmobile or visit Norway`s Russian and Ukrainian neighbours in
You can enjoy the spectacular landscape by taking a trip led by
Photo. Dog sledging for they who want real
action! Hold tight! © Stian Jørgensen og Trym
Ivar Bergsmo, Norway. |
tent-tour deep in the polar night will definitely be an adventure to write home
about, or just relax and enjoy a bit of wine tasting in the world's northernmost
wine cellar. Activity providers in Longyearbyen tailor-make programmes for
groups for holiday, meetings, courses, conferences and incentive trips.
Polar Bears When you go
to Svalbard, you should be aware of that Polar bears are completely protected on
Svalbard and must not in any way be approached or disturbed. Keep a safe
distance from any bears you may come across, as they are very quick and are
known to attack suddenly without warning.
Photo. Hungry Polar Bears looking for food.
© Stian Jørgensen og Trym Ivar Bergsmo, Norway.
Don`t worry. They only eat you
once! Use caution and avoid all contact. Do not pitch tents where polar
bears usually travel. Always set out tripwire warning flares around
campsites. |
Polar bears get quickly overheated when being chased so you
must never follow a polar bear by snowmobile or by boat. Never feed a polar
bear. At campsites, all food, garbage and toilet waste must be kept at least 100
metres from your sleeping tents and in a way so that it can be seen from the
tent opening.
Pack ice and glaciers
Travelling on pack- ice and glaciers involves
risks. If you go on a glacier you should go with a guide or at least go in a
group so that all the participants are connected by a safety- rope. Remember to
bring crampons (ice spurs) and an ice-axe.
Photo. Hiorthamnfjell (mountain) in blue
light. © Stian Jørgensen og Trym Ivar Bergsmo,
The unique nature on Svalbard gives unforgettable memories. |
For your own security and for a more enriching experience,
it's recommended to take tours with guides familiar with the local environment.
Take an exciting snowmobile safari into the Polar Night. It's not necessary to
travel far from Longyearbyen to reach the Arctic Wilderness.
As its stand on Svalbard Net`s website: "It's always dark at this time of
year, but there is always a glimmer of light from the stars, or the moon, on the
white snow that blankets the terrain". The beautiful nature on Svalbard it's
something for itself. All the great opportunities for activities there will
really turn you on. So why not get a unique adventure in one of the world's last
frontiers in Norway?
Stein Morten Lund, 25 October 2004
Additional information
All photos displayed in
this article are taken by Stian Jørgensen og Trym Ivar Bergsmo, Norway (Photo
For more information about the Conference on Svalbard:
Facts about Svalbard (referred
from Svalbard Net):
Location: Group of islands between 74° - 81° N and 10° -
35° E
Area: 63 000; 60% covered by glacier Largest islands
Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Barentsøya, Edgeøya and Prins Karls Forland
Settlements Longyearbyen (Norwegian
administrative centre): 1,700 inhabitants Barentsburg (Russian mining
community): 900 inhabitants Ny-Ålesund (Norw. international research centre): 40
inhabitants Sveagruva (Norwegian mining community): 210 commuters Hornsund
(Polish research station): 8 inhabitants
Administration: Norwegian sovereignty, regulated by the Svalbard
Treaty of 1920
Transportation: By plane from/to Oslo and Tromsø, Norway. There are no roads
connecting the communities on Svalbard.
Tourist information about
Norway`s last frontier Svalbard - Svalbard Net:
Other link
related to Svalbard:
Norwegian Polar Institute -
Norsk Polarinstitutt:
Sysselmannen på
Forcasting (Værvarsel for Svalbard):
Informasjon på norsk:
Referert fra Reiseliv - Reiselivsnæringen på
Nordkalotten har lenge vært opptatt av å utnytte mulighetene vinterklimaet
skaper. I januar skal vinterbyene møtes på Svalbard for å vise at mange byer i
vinterdrakt er flotte turistattraksjoner.
Internasjonalt snitt - 15
foredragsholdere fra Norge, Sverige, Finland og Japan skal bidra med sin
erfaring innenfor områder som vinterlig ekstremsport, nordlysturisme,
hundekjøring, vintersportanlegg, snø- og isfestivaler og markedsføring av
Sapporo i Japan vil presentere verdens største
vinterfestival med to million besøkende, mens Kiruna kanskje har like mye å
tilføre gjennom sin mangeårige lokale feiring av vinteren. Det finnes et stort
antall små lokale vinterfestivaler i alle land med vinterklima.
ønsker å skape en møteplass der aktørene i næringen skal få nye ideer og
praktiske eksempler på at mange har lyktes, forteller sekretariatsleder Svein
Kristiansen i Winter Cities Europa. Svalbard er et naturlig sted for en
internasjonal konferanse i januar 2005.
OBS! For de som vil
delta er det noen få Early Bird discount-billetter igjen! Et begrenset antall
rabatterte billetter er nå ute for salg. Dette gir en rabatt på NOK 860,- for
reisende fra Oslo og NOK 550,- fra Tromsø.