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Exploration in the mysterious Cheops (Khufu) Pyramid!

Two French archaeologists have found secret entrances (passages) to several unknown rooms and chambers in the Cheops Pyramid in Egypt, also known as the great Pyramid in Giza.
It has been assumed that there are many unexplored rooms in the 4500 year old Pyramid, but no one have been able to find they - until now.

Photo. The Great Pyramid of Cheops in Giza - hides still many mysteries. Britt and Steinar from Norway admire the great wonder of the world.

This Pyramid is a symbol of humans capability to change the surrounding landscape, and its stood the test of time this very day. At the same time it wil be more to explore here in the future! This pyramid has been built between 2589 - 2566 BC. It would have taken over 2,300,000 blocks of stone with an average weight of 2.5 tons each. The total weight would have been 6,000,000 tons and a height of 482 feet (140 metres).

This pyramid is located at the city of Giza, a necropolis of ancient Mephis, and today part of Greater Cairo in Egypt. The monument was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu of the Forth Dynasty around the year 2560 BC to serve as a tomb when he dies.

Will we ever get a full picture of this pyramid's history and purpose?

How was the Great Pyramid built?

How the Great Pyramid was built is a question that may never be answered. Herodotus said that it would have taken 30 years and 100,000 slaves to build it.

Another theory is that it was built by farmers who were unable to work at the land while the Nile flooded between July and November. They may have been paid with food for their labour. It is believed that the flooded waters have been useful in the moving of the casing stones. These stones were brought from Aswan and Tura and the water would have brought the stones right to the pyramid.

What about extraterrestrials? Suggested theories here have been considered to be very speculative and have limited support. But who knows! Photo: The Great Pyramid of Giza.

When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798, he expressed his pride saying: "Soldats! Du hut de ces Pyramides, 40 siecles nous contemplemt".

Translated it means: Soldiers! From the top of these Pyramids, 40 centuries are looking at us. At the west side of the great pyramid you find the Royal Cemetery. It contains 15 mastabas ("platforms"), which have just recently been opened to the public after having been closed for over 100 years.

In this area a mummy of a 4,600 year old female was found. According to archaeologists she had a completely unique plaster encasement that has never been seen or found anywhere else. Photo: The Sphinx is also interesting to watch.

Egypt have many great wonders of the world. The great Pyramid stays together with the other pyramids and the Sphinx. The Cheops pyramid is the largest and the oldest of the monumental Royal Pyramids in Egypt, and considered to be one of the ancient 7 wonders.

Hopefully will the recently discovered rooms be available for travellers soon! The future is unpredictable, but so is the history. Maybe these finds will change the history again. The time will show!

Stein Morten Lund, 22 April 2001

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