Where the dreams
The book is written in Norwegian and its
original title is "Nå er det din tur". It means
something like that: Now it's your turn (time) to go on tour!
I am holy convinced that this book would have a great
international potential if it was issued in English and Spanish. The book is
about ordinary people on unusual places. It visualizes a world of adventurous
opportunities, available for most people.
The authors, the
two experienced Norwegian travellers, Odd Harald Hauge and Lars Ebbesen (from
the well-known tour and trekking operator Hvitserk - www.Hvitserk.
no), describes 10 extraordinary tours, and the book is full
packed with breathtaking reports, extracts from diaries, great stories,
interesting historic background information about explorations and discoveries,
idioms, slogans, words of wisdom, maps, useful advise and big beautiful photos.
The book's big format (27
X 27 centimetres) comes to its fullest right when photos cover the whole page,
and that make you even more curious about the world's last frontiers. All this
will freak your adrenaline already before you start your next
Even though it
looks so professional, be aware that these photos are not taken by professional photographers, for example on mission from
National Geographic, who lay down for months waiting for the optimal light
conditions. All photos are taken by amateurs, travellers with heavy backpack,
who like explorations and adventures. Sometimes they have been totally exhausted
on their tours. Instead of resting they have taking some fantastic photos and
caught unforgettable moments, showed in this book.
by humans - not by
Each reader will
find their own favourite place or tour in the book. Probably the most unique
part of the book is about the east cost of Greenland. It starts with the heading "Forgotten by humans -
not by god!"
Here the authors
describe as an Eldorado of deep fjords, twinkling glaciers, high mountains, herds of whales and spectacular
ice bergs.
As the Inuits
did before, the Norwegians paddle round in kayaks. It's easy, exciting and it's
unique. Look at all the big beautiful photos from the tours there and you will
see that this is another world that goes far beyond your imaginations.
Photos. Paddling round in East Greenland
(from Hvitserk`s website www.Hvitserk.no)
Why do so many
Norwegians go on tours like this?
The book
represents a valuable contribution to Norwegian travel literature, especially for extraordinary tours and expeditions.
It's well-written, full of passion and with a huge portion
of humour. It gives a good understanding about an increasing number of Norwegian
travellers` habits, experiences and adventures today.
The world's
grows smaller, but the people become more daring. Half of the Norwegians go to
countries in the southern Europe (as for example Greek,
Turkey and
Spain) -
mostly for sunbathing, partying and perhaps little bit cultural activities? But
what do the rest?
Travelling habits is changing
are as their forefathers, the Vikings, have always been a travelling people.
An increasing number of both Norwegian men and women like to travel to remote
areas where they can experience something unique. They enjoy a great variety
of activities as trekking, climbing, rafting and kayaking, and they
continuously search for new places and challenges.
Norway is
one of the richest countries in the world, Norwegians have the money to realise
their travel dreams. But not all adventure tours have
to cost much money if you travel smart. Modern transport for long distances,
equipment and experience give also new opportunities for travelling like this.
Great souvenir
for adventure travellers
The book is too large in format and too heavy to
be carried on tours as the Lonely Planet's guide books, but it's a useful source
for planning your tours. This exclusive book with beautiful design, excellent
layout and high quality binding, make it to the perfect gift or souvenir for
people who like travelling.
The book is
interesting for people who have been to the mentioned places, people who plan to
go to these places, people who like travelling in general and search
inspiration, and people who like to be entertained by exciting travel tales and
big beautiful photos.
Special message to Norwegian readers -
"Nå er det din tur!" En
eksklusiv reisebok i vakkert design og solid innbinding.
Bestilling av boken gjøres
gjennom den norske turoperatøren Hvitserk, Oslo (klikk
på linken og les mer): Bestilling
success factor number one
The main reason
for Norwegians` successful tours and expeditions are preparation.
There are
no easy ways or shortcuts to the world's frontiers. Preparation is 80 %
of the success, according to the book's authors, the two experienced travellers,
Odd Harald Hauge and Lars Ebbesen.
A counterbalance
to the Norwegians is the British. In over 100 years the British have challenged
the world's frontiers without learning anything, not from their own or
other's failures. In our time there are not bigger "muddled heads"
than the British, but they have real courage and guts, and
know how to struggle!
Half of the
pleasure is preparations; retrieving information and planning your tour. They
considered internet as the best source for finding information, but it could
never be a substitute for talking to other people (sharing
People who have
contributed to this book have travelled with Hvitserk, a Norwegian
well-known tour operator and guiding company, specialised on
climbing and trekking on high mountains around the world.
Over years the
professional guides in Hvitserk have guided Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Brits,
Dutch, Swiss, German, Austrians, Canadians, Americans, etc, on unique adventure
tours, especially in Greenland.
In Norway
Hvitserk offers tours to Stetind in Nordland and Lofoten, for climbing high
peaks, and to the arctic wilderness in Svalbard, where you can encounter
polar bears and experience the unique nature. One of the authors of the book,
Lars Ebbesen is also one of the founders of Hvitserk.
Don't waist your
As the authors says in the book: "Many waste
their holiday because they are so busy with too many things, while they are
nothing!". Don't ask what
the tour can do for you, but what you can do for the tour. By having the right
attitude you can make the best out of most situations, and have a really great
Hopefully more people will be infected by
"Travel Sickness"
by reading this book. Stop dreaming
and do something about it. Just jump in to it and you will be hooked too. When
you have been away, and you are on your way back home, you will already be
planning your next tour instead of being worry about the condition of your
flowers at home. Even the women!
Book review
Stein Morten Lund,
20 October
Additional information
Facts about
the book:
10 fantastic
dream tours you can realise yourself
From 5
Over 400 colour
Authors: Odd
Harald Hauge and Lars Ebbesen
Price: 399,-
Norwegian Kroner (ca. 57 US Dollar).
Kagge Forlag,
Oslo, Norway
For more information
and ordering of this book, click here: Bestilling
Information about Hvitserk`s world`s adventure tours:
in Norwegian
Boken "Nå er det din tur" er utrolig
velskrevet, og handler om vanlige nordmenn, som søker unike opplevelser på
uvanlige steder. De er drevet av sterk oppdagelsestrang og vitebegjær. Reiser og
opplevelser gjør noe med folk. Noen blir
aldri de samme. Denne boken vil bare pirre nyskjerrigheten enda mer. Les om
spennende turopplevelser i den forunderlige verdenen. Bli inspirert du også!
Boken kan bestilles hos: Bestilling
For mer info om Hvitserk`s tilbud om spennende
turer: www.Hvitserk.no.
Omtale på norsk (presentert fra
Odd Harald Hauge tar deg med på 10 fantastiske
turer i 5 verdensdeler. Nå kan du også dra på ekspedisjoner til steder du bare
har drømt om - denne boka viser deg at det er mulig! Boka er illustrert med over
400 flotte turbilder.
Tittel: Nå er det din
10 fantastiske drømmeturer du selv kan
Fra 5 verdensdeler
Forfattere: Lars Ebbesen og Odd Harald Hauge
Over 400 fargebilder
Ib. kr 399,-
ISBN: 82-489-0474-1
Kagge Forlag, Oslo,
Når drømmer blir virkelighet skjer det
noe med oss, vi blir aldri den samme igjen. Hvis
du drømmer om å gjøre noe ekstra ut av feriene dine, så er du ikke
alene. Stadig flere vil oppleve noe spesielt, og kan gjerne
yte for å nyte. I dag er det ikke lenger slik at de store vidder og de høye
topper er forbeholdt polfarere og fjellklatrere. De gikk foran, men sporet etter
dem er bredt, og har plass til mange som vil på tur.
Denne boka skal hjelpe deg over terskelen, fra
turist til turist. Den er en idé- og inspirasjonsbok, den kan lede deg til en av
livets store opplevelser. Boka beskriver 10 uvanlige reiser; fra Grønland til
Kilimanjaro og rafting i Grand Canyon. De flere hundre fantastiske bildene viser
at det er folk fra 13 til 70 år som når sine mål. Det er rett og slett vanlige
mennesker på uvanlige steder. Skulle noen være i tvil om det er verdt den ekstra
innsatsen, så forteller bildene at man blir lykkelig på tur. Og uansett; det er
alltid sunt å drømme!
Bestilling gjøres her: Bestilling
Hvitserk .
For mer info om
Hvitserk`s tilbud om spennende turer: www.Hvitserk. no.