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Excavation of an 4100 old grave in Norway

It shows incredible ways how people buried their dead in the past Archaeologists have found a grave from year 2100 before Christ in Aremark in the Ostfold County.
This is the fourth grave from the earlier Stone Age that is opened in Norway. The grave chamber is three metres long and one metre broad. Walls and roof is made of big stones. The largest stone weight many hundred kilos. Inside the grave archaeologists found sharp arrows, three flint knifes and one flint scrape. The found strengthens the researchers theories that there has been contact between people in Scandinavia already before year 2100 before Christ (Aftenposten, 2. September 2000).

Researchers know now that parts of the population lived in an agriculture society. The exploration give us an impression of what kind of efforts people took at that time when they buried their dead for 4000 year ago. This show us a monument of a society we only can see the contours of, says Professor Einar Ostmo by the Oldsaksamling, University in Oslo.

Stein Morten Lund, 2 September 2000
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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