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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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Everythings goes after the plan so far - the Norwegian K2 expedition is on their way up!

The Norwegians was the first expedition on the mountain this year. On Saturday the 5th of June (2005), Oystein celebrated his birthday on K2`s Base Camp. The day after, he and the other climbers was the first expedition to set foot on the mountain this year. They have already started to move equipment up on the mountain and one barrel was left on 5400 meters........
Photo. The whole team at K2`s Base Camp. © (www.K2005.no ). 

Things looks promising at the moment. The Norwegian team has got a good start!

Reported on the Norwegian K2 Expedition`s website (www.K2005.no) on 6 June, the conditions are good even if they have seen some pretty big avalanches the last day.



The Norwegian K2 expedition reached K2 Base Camp on Saturday 4 June. They report that weather has been astonishing the last four days with sunny sky and no wind. All members are in good shape and the acclimatization has gone according to plan.

The snow conditions on the Baltoro Glacier have been good, and they could advance faster than first expected.

They only used 8 days instead of the 12 they had expected due to the snow conditions in the area.

Photo. Cecilie Skog is climbing the mountain K2 in an early phase.
© (www.K2005.no).

The team also reported that the mountain looks good even if there is much snow, but since they haven't been in the area before they don't want to give any reports on how it is compared to pervious years. They are now establishing Base Camp and expect to start working on the mountain on Monday or Tuesday.

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your hearts, and you`ll never walk alone.....

Stein Morten Lund, 7 June 2005

Additional information
Follow us on Travel Exploraitons` as we follow the The Norwegian K2 expedition.

More updated information will come soon!

One woman is in the team: Cecilie Skog. You can read about her great adventures on some of the highest and wildest mountaints in the world on her website www.CecilieSkog.com.

Spokesman in Norway is Bjørn Sekkesæter. You can reach him on:
Cellular: +47 480 12 723
Email: bjorn@k2005.no

You can follow her and her team members on the website below!

For Norwegians - følg Cecilie til toppen av K2:
Nå kan du følge med Cecilie & Co til toppen av K2. Cecilie er en av 5 klatrere i en 6-manns-ekspedisjon som denne våren skal prøve å bestige det 8611 meter høye K2. K2 er verdens nest høyeste fjell men regnes som det vanskeligste å bestige. For å følge Cecilie & Co se www.K2005.no.

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