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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Everything is connected with all - a new world theory launched

The 71 years old Norwegian Bordvar Schjeldrup says he has discovered a forgotten, geomethrical ancient languange, which connect everything from the pyramids and Jesus together. Now his theory would be presented in the library of Alexandria. One is of his most interesting theory is about the Kheops Pyramid in Egypt.
He discovered that the Kheops pyramid has the same relation between broadness and wideness as all the continents. Based on his analysis he also find similarites between several other things in the world (according to Aftenposten 26 January 2004).

More information would follow later.

Stein Morten Lund, 26 January 2004

Additional information

Read more about the 71 years old Norwegian Bordvar Schjeldrup at Adresseavisen, 6 of September 2001 (by Kirsti Husby) - website: http://uk.kornsirkler.org/Rotvoll2001.09.06AdresseavisenEng.htm

UFOs, angels or just pranksters? Is it uninvited guests from outer space, heavenly angels or earthlings who wants to play a trick on the world?

The whole thing is a big mystery The phenomenon of crop circles has aroused just as many discussions and speculations as the UFO phenomenon. The opinions vary from persons who are convinced that absolutely all crop circles are man-made by simple means, to persons who believe that the circles are encoded messages from other worlds or dimensions, made by advanced technology or mind power.

Angels around? Architect and writer Bodvar Schjelderup has studied the phenomenon for some time and is more or less convinced that humans have not made the crop circle at Rotvoll. Both he and Helle Bjerkan choose to be open to the possibility that angels or a higher spiritual power have been present in the field, and that the crop circle may represent a message.

Even though several cases of hoaxing have been revealed, among other places in England, many crop circles have been proven genuine, that means that they have not been created by human effort. Just the fact that crop circles may occur in seconds, without anybody noticing and without a sound, make the thought of human creation impossible, states Schjelderup.

A world wide phenomenon After having studied the Rotvoll circle several times the last days, Bodvar Schjelderup still feels that no bombastic conclusions should be drawn. He points out that there are some geometrical inaccuracies to the circle that may indicate hoaxing. - But then again there are features to the circle that indicates that humans cannot have made it, Schjelderup continues.
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in Papua New Guinea

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