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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Eirik Gulsrud Johnsen, Arendal, Norway, planes crossing the Sahara desert on ski!

He is 21 year, from Arendal in Norway. At the moment he is finishing an unusual tour on ski. On 16 June he started on an almost 500 kilometres tour on skiing through Denmark, from the border to Germany to Skagen. Norwegians are born with ski on their feet, and so is Eirik. Just as famous Norwegian polar explorers as Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen, he also likes expeditions on ski, but not on snow. Sand is much better for him. When he has finnished the skiing in Denmark, he is ready for something bigger. As he dream abouts: crossing Sahara on ski. This is another wild expedition from Norway!

The Sahara is the world's largest subtropical desert. To get an impression how large Sahara is, this land area can be compared with the entire land area of the whole United States of America (including all states). The Norwegian Viking Eirik will be crossing countries as Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria in north Africa. On his way he should expect to handle many challenges, for instance the heat ..........
It will take 14 days to walk this distance in Denmark from south to north, on sand, asphalt, grass, concrete and stones. He expects mostly bad sliding. This tour is for preparation for his real target: crossing Sahara desert on ski (sources: referred from EXIT and Afteposten).

Erik has a long way to walk if he make an attemp on crossing Sahara. The Sahara Desert is located in North Africa, the West portion of the broad belt of parched land that extends from the Atlantic Ocean eastward past the Red Sea to Iraq. The entire desert, the largest subtropical in the world, is about 1600 km wide and about 5000 km long from East to West.

2.5 million people live the Sahara. Most of them live in Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria. The biggest groups of people are the Tuareg-Berber, the Sahrawis, Moors and different black African ethnicities including Tubu, the Nubians, the Zaghawas and the Kanuri. The largest city is Nouakchott, Mauritania`s capital. Other important cities are Tamanrasset, Algeria; Timbuktu, Mali; Agadez, Niger;Ghat, Libya; and Faya, Chad.

Walk on - with hope in your heart - and your never walk alone....... We in Travel Explorations wish him good luck, and look forward to follow Eirik and his team on their wild skiing tour!

Stein Morten Lund, 2 July 2005

Additional information

Read about Eirik on this EXIT`S website:http://www.friluftslivetsar.no/Default.asp?WCI=DisplayGroup&WCE=161&DGI=161

EXIT is a youth organisation - for people between 13 and 25 year, located in Norway.


EXIT er friluftslivsorganisasjonenes tilbud til ungdom mellom 13 og 25 år.

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