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Death mask found in Nazareth

Recently an archaeological excavation at Kibbutz Kfar Har-Horesh, less than two miles from the Nazareth town center, has uncovered a large burial ground dating to 8,000 years before the time of Christ. Three of the bodies had the soft tissues of the scull removed before burial and replaced with a lime plaster moulded to the scull to reform the facial features.

Two of these had been painted red; one with red ochre and the other with a pigment that is only found in central Turkey (the "Archaeology News" section of the November/December 2003 - Archaeology magazine, page 10 according to the website ( http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~patrak01/nazarathman.htm).


It's not known if the person who moulded the clay was trying to recreate the features of the deceased, or if he or she were following some idealized death mask form, which was used for all such burials. 


Stein Morten Lund, 28 December 2003


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Read more about the found and other scientific explorations at the website


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